LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 20

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Note that the overall tuning of the instrument is affected by several other

parameters including the TRANSP (Transpose) setting and the setting of

the Step Sequencer/s. See the appropriate section of this manual for more



The Frequency control is used to set a frequency offset within the Oscillator.

For example, if the Oscillytor is triggered by Middle C then it will oscillate at

261 Hz. If the Frequency control is then set to 5.0 the frequency produced

will be 266 Hz. Also note that if the Ratio control is set to 0.0 and the

Frequency control is set to 5.0 then the waveform will oscillate at 5Hz. In

mathematical terms this can be expressed as:

Oscillator Frequency = Generator Frequency x Pitch/Ratio + Frequency


The Phase control is used for setting the starting point in the waveform’s

cycle when a note is triggered. For example, if the Phase control is set to

0.50 then the waveform will start oscillating half-way through a cycle.


When the Free button is switched off, the waveform always begins playing

from a point in the waveform determined by the setting of the Phase control.

For example, if the Oscillator is producing a sine wave and the Phase

control is currently set to 0.00, then the waveform will always begin from the

start of a cycle. When the Free button is switched on, the Oscillator runs

continuously, so that the phase of the waveform when the Oscillator is

triggered will be at a random point in the cycle, not necessarily at the start of

the cycle. This point will be different every time the waveform is triggered.

