LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 43

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Pattern Display

The key component of the Octopus' 2 Step Sequencers is their Pattern

Displays. The Pattern Displays show the settings for each step (or note)

within the pattern. Pattern Steps are edited by left-clicking and dragging on

them. A Pattern Step can be set to its default value by right-clicking on it. In

this case, the step is set to OFF.

Each step has the following range of values: -24...OFF, SUS, 0...+24. The

numerical value of a step indicates its pitch relative to the pitch of the input

source. For example, a value of 5 sets the pitch of the step to 5 semitones

higher than that of the input source. Setting the step to OFF makes it

inactive, while setting it to 0 means that the step will have the same note

value as the input source. Setting the step to SUS ties the step to the value

of the previous step creating a sustained note.
