LinPlug Octopus User Manual
Page 18

Waveform Import / Export and Editing
Oscillator Waveforms can be created in two different ways: they can be
created in the waveform editors (amplitude and phase) or they can be
generated automatically from imported audio samples.
To create a user-defined waveform, first select an Oscillator. Each
Oscillator's waveform can consist of 32 harmonics. The amplitude of each
harmonic can be individually edited in the Harmonic Amplitude Editor by
clicking and dragging within the editor. The phase of each harmonic can
also be set in a similar manner in the Phase Editor. The waveform created
in the two harmonic editors is shown in the waveform display to the right of
the two editors.
Alternatively, a wav/aiff/octwav file can be loaded and used as the basis for
an oscillator waveform. When a wav/aiff file is loaded, it is first analysed
and then converted into 32 harmonics. The entire sample is regarded as a
single waveform, so if your sample has a duration of 5 seconds, it will have
a frequency of 0.2 Hz. Wav/Aiff samples are loaded into RAM in their
entirety. In order to save RAM, it's best to use short samples. However,
after samples are analysed, the RAM that they used is freed so it is possible
to analyse large samples. Stereo samples are converted to mono before
being analysed. The Octopus also supports the “octwav” format which is an
internal Octopus format consisting of only the harmonic information.
The Oscillator popup menu is used for general I/O and editing functions
within the module, particularly for interchanging spectrums between
Oscillators. The menu is accessed by clicking on the V beside the
Oscillators label. The popup menu contains five items: Copy Spectrum,
Paste Spectrum, Reset Spectrum, Import Spectrum, Export Spectrum.
Waveforms in any of the formats mentioned above (wav/aiff/octwav) can be
imported into the Octopus using the Import Spectrum menu item.
Regardless of the manner in which they were created, Waveforms can be
saved using the Export Spectrum menu item. Waveforms are saved in
Octopus' “octwav” format.
If at any stage, you want to start with a clean slate, the Reset Spectrum
item resets the spectrum to a single harmonic (sine wave).
When multiple Oscillators are being used, it's possible of transfer one
Oscillator's spectrum to another Oscillator using the Copy Spectrum and
Paste Spectrum menu items. Copy Spectrum copies the current Oscillator's