Controls – LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 11

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Most Octopus controls are changed by clicking on the control and then

moving the mouse either upwards to increase the parameter’s value, or

downwards to decrease it.

Holding down the Alt key while moving the mouse gives finer control over

the parameter being changed.

Several controls (in particular the Oscillator Pitch control and the Envelope

Matrix controls) have different behaviour depending upon where they are

clicked. Clicking to the right of the “.” changes the value in decimal units,

while clicking to the left of the “.” changes the value in whole-number units.

Holding down the CTRL key on PC and Command (Apple) key on Mac

while clicking on a control sets the control to its default value (e.g. for Matrix

node controls it sets the control's value to 0.0).

The original Apple mouse does not have a right button, use CTRL-click

where right click is needed.
