LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 27

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Fix Points

The Fix Points control is an aid to editing that constrains the movement of

envelope points. When the Fix Points control is switched Off and an End

Point is moved horizontally, the portion of the envelope following the

selected End Point moves relative to the selected End Point. When the Fix

Points control is switched On, the position of all End Points other than the

currently selected End Point are fixed and cannot be moved.


The +- control determines whether the envelope is unipolar or bipolar.

When the +- control is off the envelope generated is unipolar, that is, its

values range from 0.0 to 1.0. This allows the envelope to function as a

normal amplitude envelope. When the +- control is switched On the

envelope generated is bipolar, that is, its values can range from -1.0 to

+1.0. This allows the envelope to function like an LFO which oscillates

between positive and negative values.

Numerical Display

The Numerical Display in the upper-right corner of the module shows three

values for the currently selected point: Level, Curve, Delta-time. The Level

and Delta-time values apply to End Points while the Curve value applies to

Curve Points. The Level display indicates the absolute vertical position of

the segments End point. The Delta-time display shows the distance in time

of the current point from the previous End Poin. The Curve display shows a

measure of the curvature of the line connecting the two End Points. A high

curvature value means that the transitional part of the envelope occurs early

in the envelope. The lower the curvature value, the later in the envelope the

curvature occurs. The time parameter (in seconds) is displayed across the

bottom of the Envelope Editor.


The KBD and VEL controls display the Envelope Keyboard Level Scaling

settings and the Envelope Velocity Level Scaling settings. These are best

thought of as two scaling maps that calculate the final envelope values

according to the following formula:
