LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 19

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spectrum to the instrument's clipboard, while Paste Spectrum copies the

spectrum from the clipboard to the destination Oscillator.


Each Oscillator produces values between -1.0 and 1.0. The Amplitude

control is used to set the level of each Oscillator after the signal is


After being scaled by the Amplitude control, the output is sent to the

Oscillator Matrix. As a result, both the modulation depth, and the signal

which is sent to the filters will be changed if the Oscillator's amplitude is

altered. It is important to understand that each Oscillator also has Mix Level

parameter which also has a range of between -1.0 and 1.0. However, the

Mix Level parameter only effects the final output signal, not the signal within

the Oscillator Matrix itself.


The Ratio/Pitch control is used as a frequency multiplier to set the

frequency of each Oscillator. To change the control from Ratio to Pitch or

vice-versa click on the Ratio/Pitch label.

Initially, each Oscillator oscillates at the frequency given by the MIDI note

number that triggered it. For example, if the Oscillator is triggered by Middle

C then it will oscillate at 261 Hz.

When the Ratio/Pitch control is set to Ratio the control acts as a multiplier

so if, for example, the control is set to 2.0000 then the Oscillator will

oscillate at 522 Hz (2 x 261 Hz). If the Ratio control is set to 0.0000 then the

frequency of the Oscillator will be 0 Hz and no sound will be heard.

When the Ratio/Pitch is set to Pitch this adds an offset to the Oscillator's

pitch. For example, if the control is set to 1.0000 the pitch of the Oscillator is

raised by one semitone. Setting the Pitch control to 24.0000 is the same as

setting the Ratio to 4.0000. The control features 4 decimal places because

in the case of FM synthesis, small frequency changes can have major

effects on the output sound.

If Pitch control is set to 0.0000, the frequency of the Oscillator will depend

only on the the MIDI note number that triggered it.
