LinPlug Octopus User Manual
Page 41

Each Step Sequencer module has a drop-down Pattern menu. This menu is
accessed by clicking on the V beside each Sequencer's label.
The menu contains the following items: Load Pattern, Save Pattern, Clear
Pattern, Shift Left, Shift Right and Reverse.
The Load Pattern menu item enables you to load a pattern into the Step
Sequencer. The Save Pattern menu item enables you to save a pattern so
that it can loaded at a later point in time. The Load Pattern and Save
Pattern menu items enable you to create a library of patterns that can be
used with different sounds. The Clear Pattern menu item resets the Step
Sequencer to its default values and clears the current pattern from the
The Shift Left and Shift Right menu items shift the current pattern either
right or left depending on the item selected. For example, the pattern 0 – 2
– 4 – 5 becomes 2 – 4 – 5 – 0 which is the original pattern shifted one place
to the left.
The Reverse menu item reverses the order of the pattern. For example, a
pattern such as 0 – 2 – 4 – 5 becomes 5 – 4 – 2 – 0.
Note that items in the Pattern menu change the pattern itself. This is
different from, say, the PingPong switch which changes the way that the
pattern plays back, but not the pattern itself.
The Step control allows you to define length of the pattern that the Step
Sequencer plays. A pattern can range from a 1-step sequence to a 32-step