Filter – LinPlug Octopus User Manual
Page 21

The Octopus contains two independent 18 dB/Octave multi-mode filters.
The controls for Filters 1 and 2 are located in the sections labeled Filter 1
and Filter 2 below the Oscillator Editor.
The Octopus’s two filters are identical so they have only been described
once in this manual. A lot of care and attention has been paid to the
Octopus's filter design in order to make them especially musical and to
ensure that they use very little CPU resources.
Filter Mode
The Filter Mode control is located to the right of the Filter's label. Each filter
has 4 modes: Bypass, LPF (Lowpass), BPF (Bandpass) and HPF
(Highpass). The current mode is displayed on the Filter Mode control.
Clicking on the control cycles through the various filter modes. An important
point to note is that when a filter is turned off no filtering is applied so that
the audio signal passes straight through it without being affected.
Cutoff (Frequency)
The Cutoff control is used to set the frequency (in Hz) at which the filter
effects the signal. When using the Low Pass filter, higher Cutoff settings
produce brighter sounds while lower settings result in darker sounds. When
using the High Pass filter, higher Cutoff settings produce thinner, brighter
sounds, while lower settings produce fatter, darker sounds. When in Band
Pass mode the filter only passes frequencies within a specific range. The
centre point of this range is determined by the Cutoff setting.