LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 47

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File Controls

The File Controls are used for all File-related operations.

The Load button (shown as a folder icon) opens a dialog that lets you select

a file for loading. The Previous and Next buttons (the < and > symbols

either side of the Load button) allow you to traverse all Octopus presets

within the current folder. The Save button (shown as a disk icon) allows you

to save the current preset settings.

The settings of all sections, including the Volume setting, are saved with the

preset. The Octopus loads and saves all of its presets directly to hard disk

so your computer's RAM does not limit the number of available presets.


The Microtuning control opens a menu that enables the Octopus to be

tuned to tunings other than Equal Temperament.

See Appendix A for a complete description of how to use TUN files to set

the Octopus’ tuning.

LinPlug/Octopus Logos

Clicking on either the LinPlug or the Octopus logos in the middle right of the

Octopus’s Main panel opens the instrument’s Rear Panel. The Rear Panel

displays the version of the instrument.
