LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 32

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Envelope Bank Select/Envelope Select

Clicking on the Envelope Bank control selects one of the four envelope

banks. Clicking on one of the Envelope Selector controls selects the

envelope. The currently selected bank and envelope are highlighted.

Envelope Editor Menu

The Envelope Editor popup menu is used for adding and removing

envelopes from the Matrix, as well as editing envelopes, and particularly for

interchanging envelope settings between different Envelopes. The menu is

accessed by clicking on the V symbol beside the Envelope Matrix label. The

popup menu contains ten items: Add Envelope, Delete Envelope, Move Up,

Move Down, Copy View, Paste View, Reset View, Clone Envelope, Load

Envelope and Save Envelope.

Envelopes are added and removed from the instrument using the Add

Envelope/Delete Envelope menu items. When an envelope is added to the

instrument it is placed in the next available slot in the Envelope Selector

and is selected as the current envelope. When an envelope is removed

from the instrument the envelopes compact down and the envelope

following the deleted envelope becomes the active envelope.

The Move Up/Move Down menu items move the currently active envelope

one position up or down in the envelope slot array. This is useful for

grouping similar types of envelope (for example, amplitude envelopes)


The Copy View and Paste View menu items are used for exchanging

envelopes between different envelope slots. The Copy View menu item

copies the currently selected envelope's settings into memory, while the

Paste View menu item pastes the settings currently stored in memory into

the selected envelope slot. The Reset View menu item clears the

envelope's current parameters and resets them to their default settings.

Note that the Copy View, Paste View and Clear View items only affect the

envelope that is currently displayed in the editor. This applies to the KBD

and VEL envelopes as well. As a result, if you select Copy View and have

ENV selected as the view option, only envelope points will be copied, but

not velocity or keyboard scaling points. The same applies to Paste View

and Clear View.

