LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 42

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The Shuffle control adds a swing value to the pattern's notes so that within

a given clock interval the odd step numbers (notes) are lengthened and the

even ones are shortened (or vice versa). It is much easier to hear this effect

than to explain it. To hear the effect, create a pattern of 4 steps and then

vary the Shuffle parameter. The change in the rhythm of the pattern should

be clearly audible.


The Transpose control enables the pitch of the entire pattern to be

transposed over a range of +- 24 semitones.


The Random control is a playback parameter that determines the order and

timing in which pattern notes are played back. Note that the effect of the

Random control is not shown on the Pattern Display. When the control is

ON it sets pattern playback so that it randomly plays back notes that are

part of the current pattern. Note that the timing of the notes also is



The Ping-Pong control is a playback parameter that determines the order in

which notes are played back. Note that the effect of the control is not shown

on the Pattern Display. When the control is ON it sets the pattern playback

so that it first plays the pattern in the forwards direction, and then plays the

pattern in reverse order. Note that the steps at the end of the pattern are

not repeated. For example, the pattern 1_2_3_4 would play back as


