LinPlug Octopus User Manual
Page 45

synth becomes monophonic and it is only possible to play one note at a
time. The Unison button is used to switch the Octopus' Unison mode on
and off.
The Unison button is used in conjunction with the Detune control. When the
value of the Detune control is increased the instrument's Oscillators are
gradually detuned. The greater the detuning, the more the sound is
thickened. The available range is from 0.00 to 1.00. Note that the setting of
the Voices control (described above) determines the number of voices that
are used in Unison mode.
The Glide control sets the rate at which the instrument's pitch moves from
one note to that of the following note. A value of 0 means that Glide is
deactivated. A Glide value greater than 0 means that every note glides up
or down in pitch from the previously played note within a fixed time period.
The higher the value of the Glide control, the longer the transition time
between notes. Note that the Legato switch changes this behaviour
depending on the way the note is played.
The Legato switch controls the way that overlapping notes are played by the
instrument. The Legato switch only affects playback when the Glide control
is set to a value greater than 0. When switched OFF, all notes will glide
from the previously played note to the following note regardless of whether
they overlap or not. When switched ON, only legato notes (that is, notes
where the end of the previous note overlaps the start of the following note)
will glide from one to the other. This makes it possible to apply Glide to
selected notes.
The settings of the Bend controls determine the manner in which the
Octopus responds to MIDI pitch bend messages. The Bend control is made
up of two components: the Bend Up control and the Bend Down control.
These controls are indicated by the ^ and v symbols either side of the Bend
label. Each range can be set from 0 to 48 semitones.