LinPlug Octopus User Manual
Page 51

the reference signal. For example, a 100 Hz tone
has harmonics at 200 Hz, 300 Hz and so on.
An LFO or Low Frequency Oscillator is a periodic
signal source (usually below audio frequency
range) used to modulate another signal parameter.
An LFO can be used for a variety of effects
including vibrato (by modulating the pitch) and
tremolo (by modulating the volume).
See Appendix A for a detailed description.
A signal junction where a source signal can be
patched so that it controls a destination signal. The
Octopus's Envelope Matrix is used for tasks such
as modulating a generator's amplitude by an
A signal source that generates a waveform at a
given frequency.
Phase defines the position of a point within a
waveform cycle. If a complete waveform cycle is
defined as having 360 degrees, then a phase shift
of 90 degrees moves the point one quarter of the
way along the waveform.
A sequencer is a device that can be used to record
and play back musical control data.