Bypass unit start up preparation – Yaskawa E7L Drive Bypass User Manual
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Start Up and Operation 4 - 4
Note: These instructions assume that all jumpers and DIP switches are in the factory default position as defined by schematic
diagram E7L-00.
1. Review this Bypass Technical Manual and any option instructions and schematics shipped with the Drive and Bypass
2. Verify that the model numbers and voltage ratings are as specified in the purchase order by matching the nameplate
data for each unit to the purchase order.
3. Verify that the unit has been installed in accordance with Chapter 1, Receiving and Mechanical Installation and
Chapter 2, Electrical Installation.
4. Inspect the security of the supply line power, ground connections and all control circuit connections as identified in
Chapter 2, Electrical Installation.
Double check all the power wires and motor wires.
Verify that the electrical supply power lines (L1, L2, L3) are connected to the input disconnect switch (S1 on the wir-
ing diagram in Chapter 2) and that the motor leads (T1, T2, T3) are connected to the output terminals of the overload
relay (S10 on the wiring diagram in Chapter 2). Ensure that all connections are tight, loose wire connections may
cause intermittent problems or overheating. Factory connections sometimes come loose during shipment.
5. Review the installer’s “as wired” schematic. Determine if a driven motor “safety circuit” is connected. This is a series
circuit of NC contacts from devices such as a smoke/fire sensor, freeze-up thermostat or high static pressure limit
switch. Verify that these customer emergency contacts are properly terminated in the Bypass safety shutdown circuit.
These contacts should be wired between terminal TB1-1 and TB1-9. No field programming is required.
Verify that all other field installed wires are correctly terminated (included the shields).
6. Verify that the motor is wired for the application voltage. Record the motor nameplate information:
Voltage ______________________________
Motor Rated Amps ___________________________________
7. Verify that the input voltage matches the Bypass unit rating.
8. Verify that the motor rated full load amps (FLA) does not exceed the rated output current of the Drive and Bypass
controlling it. When multiple motors are simulaneously operated by the Drive, the sum of all motor FLA values must
be less than or equal to that of the Drive and Bypass controlling them.
9. Record any other connections to the Bypass unit, by terminal number to determine if special programming of any of
the following is required. (see Chapter 5 or TM.E7.02 for programming details).
Multi-function Digital Inputs
Multi-function Digital Outputs
Analog Outputs
Differential PI control
10. Verify that the building automation system logic is ready for the start, stop and speed command functions.