L2 momentary power loss ride-thru function, L2-01 momentary power loss detection selection, L2-02 momentary power loss ride-thru time – Yaskawa E7L Drive Bypass User Manual

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Programming 5 - 60

L2 Momentary Power Loss Ride-thru Function

When momentary power loss recovery is enabled (L2-01

≠0), a speed search is executed to catch the potentially spinning motor

shaft. This speed search will occur regardless of the setting of b3-01 “Speed Search Selection”.

L2-01 Momentary Power Loss Detection Selection

L2-02 Momentary Power Loss Ride-Thru Time

Setting Range:

0.0 to 25.5 Seconds

Factory Default: Model Dependent

The Drive allows different responses to momentary power losses. The setting of L2-01 determines whether the Drive attempts
to restart after a short loss of incoming AC power and for what length of time this capability remains active.

If L2-01= “0: Disabled”, the Drive detects a UV1 fault 15ms after power loss and automatic restarting is disabled. The Drive
cannot restart until the external run command is removed and the UV1 fault is reset.

If L2-01= “1: PwrL Ride Thru t”, the Drive restarts without the UV1 fault if power is returned within the time specified in
L2-02, the Momentary Power Loss Ride-thru Time. During the power loss but before the fault trip, the digital operator will

display a UV alarm. If L2-02 is set for a time longer than the control power supply can be sustained, a UV1 fault will not occur
and the Drive restarts upon the return of AC power. The time that the control power supply can be maintained varies with Drive
size. The larger the Drive, the greater the potential ride-thru time.

If L2-01= “2: CPU Power Active”, the Drive ignores L2-02 and attempts a restart as long as the control power supply is still
able to maintain a minimal voltage level. In effect, setting L2-01= “2: CPU Power Active” (factory default) is programming the
Drive for maximum Power Loss Ride-thru. An equivalent setting is L2-01= “1: PwrL Ride Thru t”, with L2-02 set to a time
longer than the control power supply can be maintained after power is lost.


The run command must be held during power loss for any power loss ride-thru capability to be possible. It is for this

reason that 3-wire control is not recommended for use with the Momentary Power Loss function.






PwrL Ride Thru t


CPU Power Active (factory default)