Table of contents
Document Outline
- Figure 1 Bus connectors
- Figure 2 Power supply connector
- Figure 3 Installation of GSDML file
- Figure 4 Encoder configuration
- Figure 5 Example of connected encoder
- Figure 6 Telegram selection
- Figure 7 Selected telegram
- Figure 8 How to set encoder device name
- Figure 9 Device name
- Figure 10 Assign device name
- Figure 11 Assign name
- Figure 12 How to verify device name
- Figure 13 Verify device name
- Figure 14 Parameter Access point
- Figure 15 Parameter data
- Figure 16 Save and compile
- Figure 17 Download settings
- Figure 18 Open Interface properties
- Figure 19 RT Class option
- Figure 20 Interface properties
- Figure 21 IO Cycle properties
- Figure 22 Port settings
- Figure 23 Topology settings
- Figure 24 Domain management
- Figure 25 Overview of encoder profiles
- Figure 26 Absolute value in G1_XIST1
- Figure 27 Absolute value in G1_XIST2
- Figure 28 Real time Communication
- Figure 29 Request data block, DB1
- Figure 30 Response data block, DB2
- Figure 31 Instance data block, DB3
- Figure 32 Instance data block, DB
- Figure 33 Organization block, OB1
- Figure 34 Diagnostic address of slot 1
- Figure 35 Variable table
- Figure 36 Cyclic operation
- Figure 37 Non cyclic operation, preset control enabled
- Figure 38 Non cyclic operation, preset control disabled
- Figure 39 Firmware upgrade startpage
- Figure 40 Firmware upgrade settings
- User's ManualPROFINET Interface for Encoders
- of tables
- of figures
- 1.1 About absolute encoders
- 1.2 About PROFINET technology
- 1.3 Encoder Profiles
- 1.4 References
- 1.5 Abbreviations
- 2.1 Cables and standards
- 2.2 Connectors and pin configuration
- 2.3 Shielding concept of the encoder
- 2.4 MAC-address
- 2.5 LED indication
- 3.1 Device description file installation (GSDML)
- 3.2 Setting encoder configuration
- 3.3 Setting encoder device name
- 3.4 Setting encoder parameters
- 3.5 Isochronous real time settings (RT Class 3)
- 4.1 Encoder profile overview, PNO order no.3.162
- 4.2 Application Class definition
- 4.3 Standard signals
- 4.4 Standard telegrams
- 4.5 Manufacturer telegram 59001
- 4.6 Format of G1_XIST1 and G1_XIST2
- 4.7 Format of G1_XIST3
- 4.8 Control word 2 (STW2_ENC)
- 4.9 Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC)
- 4.10 Control word (G1_STW)
- 4.11 Status word (G1_ZSW)
- 2.2 Connectors and pin configuration
- 2.1 Cables and standards
- 1.5 Abbreviations
- 6 Acyclic Parameter Data
- 6.1 Acyclic data exchange
- 6.2 Identification and Maintenance (I&M functions)
- 6.3 Base mode parameter access
- 6.3.1 General characteristics
- 6.3.2 Parameter requests and responses
- 6.3.3 Changing the preset value
- 6.3.4 Reading the preset value
- 6.4 Supported parameters
- 6.4.1 Parameter 922, read only
- 6.4.2 Parameter 925, read/write
- 6.4.3 Parameter 964, read only
- 6.4.2 Parameter 925, read/write
- 6.4.1 Parameter 922, read only
- 6.4 Supported parameters
- 6.3.4 Reading the preset value
- 6.3.3 Changing the preset value
- 7.3 G1_XIST1 Preset control
- 7.4 Scaling function control
- 7.5 Alarm channel control
- 7.6 Compatibility mode
- 7.7 Preset value
- 7.8 Scaling function parameters
- 7.9 Maximum Master Sign-of-Life failures
- 7.10 Velocity measuring units
- 7.11 Encoder profile version
- 7.12 Operating time
- 7.13 Offset value
- 7.14 Acyclic data
- 8.1 Firmware upgrade in a PROFINET network
- 8.2 Error handling
- 8.3 TFTP server installation
- 10.1 Normal operation state
- 10.2 Parking state
- 10.3 Set/shift home position (Preset)
- 10.4 Error state
- 10.5 Error acknowledgement
- 10.6 Start up
- 6.3.2 Parameter requests and responses
- 6.3.1 General characteristics
- 6.3 Base mode parameter access
- 6.2 Identification and Maintenance (I&M functions)
- 6.1 Acyclic data exchange
- Table 1 Bus Connection
- Table 2 Power supply connection
- Table 3 Led indication
- Table 4 GSDML file
- Table 5 Standard signals
- Table 6 Output data Telegram 81
- Table 7 Input data Telegram 81
- Table 8 Output data Telegram 82
- Table 9 Input data Telegram 82
- Table 10 Output data Telegram 83
- Table 11 Input data Telegram 83
- Table 12 Output data Telegram 84
- Table 13 Input data Telegram 84
- Table 14 Format of G1_XIST3
- Table 15 Control word 2 (STW2_ENC)
- Table 16 Detailed assignment of control word 2 (STW2_ENC)
- Table 17 Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC)
- Table 18 Detailed assignment of status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC)
- Table 19 Control word (G1_STW)
- Table 20 Status word (G1_ZSW)
- Table 21 Channel diagnostics
- Table 22 Sensor status word
- Table 23 Changing the preset value
- Table 24 Reading the preset value (request)
- Table 25 Reading the preset value (response)
- Table 26 Hardware components
- Table 27 Software components
- Table 28 Parameters of SFB52
- Table 29 Parameters of SFB53
- Table 30 Supported encoder functions
- Table 31 Code sequence
- Table 32 Class 4 functionality
- Table 33 G1_XIST1 Preset control
- Table 34 Scaling function control
- Table 35 Alarm channel control
- Table 36 Compatibility mode
- Table 37 Compatibility mode overview
- Table 38 Measuring units per revolution
- Table 39 Maximum master Sign of life failures
- Table 40 Velocity measuring units
- 1.4 References
- 44 Supported PROFIdrive parameters
- 45 Encoder parameter numbers
- 46 Parameter 65000, Preset value
- 47 Parameter 65002, Preset value 64 bit
- 48 Parameter 65001, Operating status
- 49 Parameter 65001, Sub index
- 50 Parameter 65001, Sub index 1
- 51 Parameter 65003, Operating status 64 bit
- 52 Parameter 65003, Sub index
- 53 Identification & Maintenance
- Figure 1 Bus connectors
- Figure 2 Power supply connector
- Figure 3 Installation of GSDML file
- Figure 4 Encoder configuration
- Figure 5 Example of connected encoder
- Figure 6 Telegram selection
- Figure 7 Selected telegram
- Figure 8 How to set encoder device name
- Figure 9 Device name
- Figure 10 Assign device name
- Figure 11 Assign name
- Figure 12 How to verify device name
- Figure 13 Verify device name
- Figure 14 Parameter Access point
- Figure 15 Parameter data
- Figure 16 Save and compile
- Figure 17 Download settings
- Figure 18 Open Interface properties
- Figure 19 RT Class option
- Figure 20 Interface properties
- Figure 21 IO Cycle properties
- Figure 22 Port settings
- Figure 23 Topology settings
- Figure 24 Domain management
- Figure 25 Overview of encoder profiles
- Figure 26 Absolute value in G1_XIST1
- Figure 27 Absolute value in G1_XIST2
- Figure 28 Real time Communication
- Figure 29 Request data block, DB1
- Figure 30 Response data block, DB2
- Figure 31 Instance data block, DB3
- Figure 32 Instance data block, DB
- Figure 33 Organization block, OB1
- Figure 34 Diagnostic address of slot 1
- Figure 35 Variable table
- Figure 36 Cyclic operation
- Figure 37 Non cyclic operation, preset control enabled
- Figure 38 Non cyclic operation, preset control disabled
- Figure 39 Firmware upgrade startpage
- Figure 40 Firmware upgrade settings
- 1.1 About absolute encodersWith an absolute encoder each angular position is assigned acoded position value generated by a code disc equipped withseveral parallel fine graduations tracks which are scanned individ-ually.On single turn encoders, i.e. an encoder producing absolutepositions within one revolution, the absolute position informationrepeats itself with every revolution. So called multi turn encoderscan also distinguish between revolutions. The numbers of uniquerevolutions is determined by the resolution of the multi turn scan-ningand repeats itself after the total resolution is reached. A ma-jorbenefit of absolute encoder type is that if the encoder losespower, the encoder is able to keep track of its position also if theshaft is turned during the power loss...
- & PROFINET International (PI) for automation. PROFINET usesTCP/IP and IT standards, and is in effect, real-time Ethernet. ThePROFINET concept features a modular structure so that users canselect the cascading functions themselves. They differ essentiallybecause of the type of data exchange to fulfill the partly very highrequirements of speed.In conjunction with PROFINET, the two perspectives PROFINETCBA and PROFINET IO exist. PROFINET CBA is suitable for thecomponent-based communication via TCP/IP and the real-timecommunication for real-time requirements in modular systemsengineering. Both communication options can be used in parallel.PROFINET IO was developed for real time (RT) and isochronousreal time (IRT) communication with the de-centralized periphery.The design...
- Ł The IO Device, which is a field device such as an encoder, mon-itoredand controlled by an IO Controller.Ł The IO Supervisor is software typically based on a PC for set-tingparameters and diagnosing individual IO Devices.An application relation (AR) is established between an IO Control-lerand an IO Device. These ARs are used to define communica-tionrelations (CR) with different characteristics for the transfer ofparameters, cyclic exchange of data and handling of alarms.The characteristics of an IO Device are described by the devicemanufacturer in a General Station Description (GSD) file. The lan-guageused for this purpose is the GSDML (GSD Markup Lan-guage)- an XML based language. The GSD file provides the su-pervisionsoftware with a basis for planning the configur...
- available from PROFINET for use in specific devices or appli-cationssuch as encoders. They are specified by PI (PROFIBUS &PROFINET International) working groups and published by PI. Pro-filesare important for openness, interoperability and interchange-ability,so that the end user can be sure that similar equipmentsfrom different vendors perform in a standardized way.HEIDENHAIN comply with the definitions in the encoder profile3.162, version 4.1. The encoder device profile describing encoderfunctionality and additional information about PROFINET can beordered from PROFIBUS User Organization, PNO.PROFINET is generally defined by PROFIBUS & PROFINET Inter-national(PI) and backed by the INTERBUS Club and, since 2003,is part of the IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 standards.PROFIB...
- D 76131 Karlsruhe Tel: +49 721 96 58
- Fax: + 49 721 96 58
- Web: www.profibus.com
- Order No. 3.
- Profile Drive Technology, PROFIdrive V4.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- PROFIBUS Encoder Profile V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 1: Identification & Maintenance Func-tions V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 3: Diagnosis, Alarms and Time Stamp-ing V1.0, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- PROFINET Application Layer Service Definition Application LayerProtocol Specification, Version 2.0, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.
- PROFIBUS Guidelines: PROFIBUS Interconnection Technology V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.
- PROFINET Guidelines: PROFINET Cabling and InterconnectionTechnology V1.99, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.
- IO Input/OutputDO Drive ObjectDU Drive UnitAR Application RelationCR Communication RelationMLS Master Sign-Of-LifeRT Real Time EthernetIRT Isochronous Real Time EthernetIsoM Isochronous ModeLLDP Link Layer Discovery ProtocolGSD General Station DescriptionGSDML General Station Description Markup LanguageUDP User Datagram ProtocolTCP Transmission Control ProtocolIP Internet ProtocolDHCP Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolTFTP Trivial File Transfer ProtocolMAC Media Access Control I&M Identification & Maintenance
- A summary of the PROFINET guideline: PROFINET Cabling andinterconnection TechnologyV 1.99, PROFIBUS International, Order No 2.252 is provided in thissection.2.1 Cables and standardsTwo shielded copper cables twisted in pairs are defined as thenormal transmission medium for PROFINET networks. In suchnetworks the signal transmission is performed in accordance with100BASE-TX at a transmission speed of 100 Mbps (Fast-Ethernet).Only shielded cables and connecting elements are allowed in aPROFINET network. The individual components have to satisfythe requirements of Category 5 in accordance with IEC 11801. Theentire transmission path has to meet the requirements of Class Din accordance with IEC 11801. Furthermore, PROFINET cablesshall have a cable cross-section of AWG 22 i...
- The M12 connector used is a 4-pin female shieldedD-coded version.The correct arrangement of the bus connectors are specified asfollows: Signal Function Pin Tx+ Transmission data +
- Tx- Transmission data -
- Rx+ Receiver data +
- Rx- Receiver data -
- Table 1 Bus Connection Figure
- Rx- Receiver data -
- Rx+ Receiver data +
- Tx- Transmission data -
- The M12 connector used is a 4-pin female shieldedD-coded version.The correct arrangement of the bus connectors are specified asfollows: Signal Function Pin Tx+ Transmission data +
- A summary of the PROFINET guideline: PROFINET Cabling andinterconnection TechnologyV 1.99, PROFIBUS International, Order No 2.252 is provided in thissection.2.1 Cables and standardsTwo shielded copper cables twisted in pairs are defined as thenormal transmission medium for PROFINET networks. In suchnetworks the signal transmission is performed in accordance with100BASE-TX at a transmission speed of 100 Mbps (Fast-Ethernet).Only shielded cables and connecting elements are allowed in aPROFINET network. The individual components have to satisfythe requirements of Category 5 in accordance with IEC 11801. Theentire transmission path has to meet the requirements of Class Din accordance with IEC 11801. Furthermore, PROFINET cablesshall have a cable cross-section of AWG 22 i...
- IO Input/OutputDO Drive ObjectDU Drive UnitAR Application RelationCR Communication RelationMLS Master Sign-Of-LifeRT Real Time EthernetIRT Isochronous Real Time EthernetIsoM Isochronous ModeLLDP Link Layer Discovery ProtocolGSD General Station DescriptionGSDML General Station Description Markup LanguageUDP User Datagram ProtocolTCP Transmission Control ProtocolIP Internet ProtocolDHCP Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolTFTP Trivial File Transfer ProtocolMAC Media Access Control I&M Identification & Maintenance
- PROFINET Guidelines: PROFINET Cabling and InterconnectionTechnology V1.99, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.
- PROFIBUS Guidelines: PROFIBUS Interconnection Technology V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.
- PROFINET Application Layer Service Definition Application LayerProtocol Specification, Version 2.0, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 2.
- PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 3: Diagnosis, Alarms and Time Stamp-ing V1.0, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- PROFIBUS Guidelines, Part 1: Identification & Maintenance Func-tions V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- PROFIBUS Encoder Profile V1.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- Profile Drive Technology, PROFIdrive V4.1, PROFIBUS International, Order No. 3.
- Order No. 3.
- Web: www.profibus.com
- Fax: + 49 721 96 58
- D 76131 Karlsruhe Tel: +49 721 96 58
- available from PROFINET for use in specific devices or appli-cationssuch as encoders. They are specified by PI (PROFIBUS &PROFINET International) working groups and published by PI. Pro-filesare important for openness, interoperability and interchange-ability,so that the end user can be sure that similar equipmentsfrom different vendors perform in a standardized way.HEIDENHAIN comply with the definitions in the encoder profile3.162, version 4.1. The encoder device profile describing encoderfunctionality and additional information about PROFINET can beordered from PROFIBUS User Organization, PNO.PROFINET is generally defined by PROFIBUS & PROFINET Inter-national(PI) and backed by the INTERBUS Club and, since 2003,is part of the IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 standards.PROFIB...
- Ł The IO Device, which is a field device such as an encoder, mon-itoredand controlled by an IO Controller.Ł The IO Supervisor is software typically based on a PC for set-tingparameters and diagnosing individual IO Devices.An application relation (AR) is established between an IO Control-lerand an IO Device. These ARs are used to define communica-tionrelations (CR) with different characteristics for the transfer ofparameters, cyclic exchange of data and handling of alarms.The characteristics of an IO Device are described by the devicemanufacturer in a General Station Description (GSD) file. The lan-guageused for this purpose is the GSDML (GSD Markup Lan-guage)- an XML based language. The GSD file provides the su-pervisionsoftware with a basis for planning the configur...
- & PROFINET International (PI) for automation. PROFINET usesTCP/IP and IT standards, and is in effect, real-time Ethernet. ThePROFINET concept features a modular structure so that users canselect the cascading functions themselves. They differ essentiallybecause of the type of data exchange to fulfill the partly very highrequirements of speed.In conjunction with PROFINET, the two perspectives PROFINETCBA and PROFINET IO exist. PROFINET CBA is suitable for thecomponent-based communication via TCP/IP and the real-timecommunication for real-time requirements in modular systemsengineering. Both communication options can be used in parallel.PROFINET IO was developed for real time (RT) and isochronousreal time (IRT) communication with the de-centralized periphery.The design...
- 1.3 Encoder Profiles
- 1.2 About PROFINET technology
- Table 2 Power supply connection Port 2 Port
- Supply
- high levels of electromagnetic disturbance. Switching large elec-tricalloads creates high interference levels that can be picked upin various ways by electronic devices with detrimental effects.Even under such conditions, electric components within an auto-mationsystem must still guarantee a continuous, uninterruptedfunction.The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the entire plant mustbe ensured by using suitably designed components and assem-blingthem correctly to make up the system. Data cabling is con-sideredas a passive system and cannot be tested for EMC com-plianceindividually. Nevertheless, cabling and connection ele-mentsfor PROFINET supports compliance with devices require-mentsby providing a high-quality, comprehensive shielding con-cept.To achieve the h...
- encoders two bi-colored LEDs.Module Meaning CauseOff No powerGreen No connection to anoth-erdevice.Criteria: No data ex-change - bus disconnected- Master not availble/switched offred Green Parameterization fault,no data exchangeCriteria: Data exchangecorrect, however the en-coderdid not switch tothe data exchange mode - Slave not configuredyet or wrong configu-ration- Wrong station addressassigned- Actual configuration ofthe slave differs fromthe nominal configura-tionRed System failure Diagnosis exists, slave indata exchange modeGreen Data exchange and en-coderfunctions properlygreen Blinking green Firmware upgrade inprocessred Blinking red Failure during firmwareupgradeblinking frequency is 0.5 Hz. Minimal indication time is 3 seconds. 3 Led indication
- When the GSD file has been installed the supported encodertypes can be found in the HW Configuration under PROFINET IO->Additional Field Devices->Encoders->JH Group PROFINET En-coders.Select either multi turn 25 bit or single turn 13 bit encoder,dependent on the type of encoder to be configured. Drag anddrop the encoder onto the PROFINET IO system as shown in thepicture below. In the example below one 25 bit multiturn encoderwas chosen. If more than one encoder shall be configured, thenthe following steps need to be done once for each device. Figure 4 Encoder configuration
- Figure 5 Example of connected encoder
- 25 bit encoder can be found under Multiturn 25 Bit -> EOMultiturn. In the example below standard telegram 81 is used.Drag and drop the telegram onto slot 1, sub slot 2 as shown inthe figure 6 below. For more information regarding the differenttelegrams refer to chapter 4.4.Figure 6 Telegram selection The Standard Telegram 81 will appear on slot 1 sub slot
- according to figure 7 below.
- name. The encoders are delivered without any device namepreset from the factory. To set the encoder device name, doubleclick on the encoder icon to open the Properties window.Figure 8 How to set encoder device nameIn the Properties window, enter an appropriate device name in the Device name field.
- Then select PLC-> Ethernet->Assign Device Name to open theAssign device name window. Figure 10 Assign device name
- encoder.To set the encoder user parameters double click on the ParameterAccess point field located under slot 1.1 as shown in figure 14, toopen the Properties window. 14 Parameter Access point
- name. The encoders are delivered without any device namepreset from the factory. To set the encoder device name, doubleclick on the encoder icon to open the Properties window.Figure 8 How to set encoder device nameIn the Properties window, enter an appropriate device name in the Device name field.
- according to figure 7 below.
- 25 bit encoder can be found under Multiturn 25 Bit -> EOMultiturn. In the example below standard telegram 81 is used.Drag and drop the telegram onto slot 1, sub slot 2 as shown inthe figure 6 below. For more information regarding the differenttelegrams refer to chapter 4.4.Figure 6 Telegram selection The Standard Telegram 81 will appear on slot 1 sub slot
- Figure 5 Example of connected encoder
- PROFINET encoder in isochronous operation. In the example be-lowSTEP 7 v5.4 SP5 and SIMOTION D435 motion controller isused. The basic principal for configuration and parameterization ofthe encoder is the same as described in chapter 3.2-3.4.To set the IRT settings of the encoder, double click on the Inter-facefield located under slot 0, sub slot X1 to open the Propertieswindow.Figure 18 Open Interface propertiesUnder the Synchronization tab change the value for the ParameterRT Class to IRT and the IRT option parameter to High Perfor-manceaccording to the picture below. Figure 19 RT Class option
- or slot 0 sub slot P2. In the example in figure 22 below Port 1 isused on the encoder. For port description of the encoder seechapter 2.2 Connectors and pin configuration.Figure 22 Port settingsUnder the Topology tab change the Partner port to the used portof your IO controller. Figure 23 Topology settings
- 4.1 Encoder profile overview, PNO order no.3.
- telegram structures. The telegrams are used to specify thedata length and which type of data that are sent to and from theIO controller. The following standard telegrams are supported. 4.4.1 Standard Telegram
- Standard telegram 81 uses 4 bytes for output data from the IOcontroller to the encoder and 12 bytes of input data from the en-coderto the IO-controller.Output data from the IO controller:2 bytes Control word 2 (STW2_ENC).2 bytes Control word (G1_STW). IO Data (word) 1
- Byte 0 1 2
- Set point STW2_ENC G1_STW Table 6 Output data Telegram
- Input data to the IO controller:2 bytes Status word 2(ZSW2_ENC).2 bytes Status word (G1_ZSW).4 bytes Position value 1 (G1_XIST1).4 bytes Position value 2 (G1_XIST2). IO Data (word) 1 2 3 4 5
- Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- Actual value ZSW2_ENC G1_ZSW G1_XIST1 G1_XIST
- Byte 0 1 2
- Standard telegram 81 uses 4 bytes for output data from the IOcontroller to the encoder and 12 bytes of input data from the en-coderto the IO-controller.Output data from the IO controller:2 bytes Control word 2 (STW2_ENC).2 bytes Control word (G1_STW). IO Data (word) 1
- Table 7 Input data Telegram
- high levels of electromagnetic disturbance. Switching large elec-tricalloads creates high interference levels that can be picked upin various ways by electronic devices with detrimental effects.Even under such conditions, electric components within an auto-mationsystem must still guarantee a continuous, uninterruptedfunction.The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the entire plant mustbe ensured by using suitably designed components and assem-blingthem correctly to make up the system. Data cabling is con-sideredas a passive system and cannot be tested for EMC com-plianceindividually. Nevertheless, cabling and connection ele-mentsfor PROFINET supports compliance with devices require-mentsby providing a high-quality, comprehensive shielding con-cept.To achieve the h...
- Supply
- 1.1 About absolute encoders
- Input data to the IO controller:2 bytes Status word 2(ZSW2_ENC).2 bytes Status word (G1_ZSW).4 bytes Position value 1 (G1_XIST1).4 bytes Position value 2 (G1_XIST2).2 bytes Velocity value A (NIST_A) Data (word) 1 2 3 4 5 6
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- value ZSW2_ENC G1_ZSW G1_XIST1 G1_XIST2 NIST_A 9 Input data Telegram
- to the encoder and 16 bytes of input data from the encoderto the controller.Output data from the IO controller:2 bytes Control word 2 (STW2_ENC).2 bytes Control word (G1_STW). IO Data (word) 1
- Byte 0 1 2
- Set point STW2_ENC G1_STW Table 10 Output data Telegram
- Input data to the IO controller:2 bytes Status word 2(ZSW2_ENC).2 bytes Status word (G1_ZSW).4 bytes Position value 1 (G1_XIST1).4 bytes Position value 2 (G1_XIST2).4 bytes Velocity value B (NIST_B) IO Data (word) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Actual value ZSW2_ENC G1_ZSW G1_XIST1 G1_XIST2 NIST_B Table 11 Input data Telegram
- to the encoder and 20 bytes of input data from the encoderto the controller.Output data from the IO controller:2 bytes Control word 2 (STW2_ENC).2 bytes Control word (G1_STW). IO Data (word) 1
- _ENC G1_ZSW G1_XIST3 G1_XIST2 NIST_B 13 Input data Telegram
- Note: In standard Telegram 84, G1_XIST2 is used to transfererror codes and optionally position values if the meas-uring length exceeds 64 bits.
- cyclic data transmission and also the possibility to do a preset viaIO-data without the need of control word and status words.The preset function can be used to set the actual position of theencoder to any entered value within the working range of the en-coder.If scaling is active and has been done on the encoder it isonly possible to enter a preset value within the working range ofthe encoder.The preset is activated when the most significant bit (bit 31) is setto 1. The actual preset value should be entered in the followingbits according to below. IO Data (word) 1
- Bits 31(MSB) 30-24 23-16 15-8 7-0(LSB)Preset control bit Preset value < total resolutionTable 14 Output data from IO-controller to encoderThe manufacturer telegram 59001 input data consist of a 4 bytesposition data value and a 4 byte velocity value as shown below.The velocity value uses the format that is defined in the Velocitymeasuring unit. IO Data (word) 1 2 3
- Byte 0(MSB) 1 2 3(LSB) 4(MSB) 5 6 7(LSB)Actual value Position value32 bit Unsigned in Velocity value32 bit Signed intTable 15 Input data from encoder to IO-controller Note: User parameter Class 4 functionality and G1_XIST
- Preset control must be activated in order to activate
- value in binary format. By default the G1_XIST1 signal is equalto the G1_XIST2 signal. The format of the actual position values inG1_XIST1 and G1_XIST2 is shown below.Format definition for G1_XIST1 and G1_XIST2:Ł All values are presented in binary formatŁ The shift factor is always zero (right aligned value) for bothG1_XIST1 and G1_XIST2.Ł The setting in the encoder parameter data affects the positionvalue in both G1_XIST1 and G1_XIST2.Ł G1_XIST2 displays the error telegram instead of the positionvalue if error occurs.Example:25 bit multi turn absolute encoder (8192 steps perrevolution, 4096 distinguishable revolutions)M = Multi turn value (Distinguishable revolutions)S = Single turn value (number of steps per revolutions) 26 Absolute value in G1_XIST
- 27 Absolute value in G1_XIST
- Note: In standard Telegram 84, G1_XIST2 is used to transfererror codes and optionally position values if the meas-uring length exceeds 64 bits.
- of life and it includes the fault buffer handling and Control by PLCmechanism from PROFIdrive STW1 and the Controller Sign-Of-Life mechanism from PROFIdrive STW2. This signal is mandatoryfor controlling the clock synchronization.Bit Function0..6 Reserved7 Fault Acknowledge8,9 Reserved10 Control by PLC11 Reserved12..15 Controller Sign-of-lifeTable 17 Control word 2 (STW2_ENC)Value Significance Comments1 Fault Acknowledge (0->1) The fault signal is acknowledged witha positive edge. The encoder reactionto a fault depends on the type of fault.0 No significance1 Control by PLC Control via interface, EO IO Data isvalid.0 No Control by PLC EO IO Data not valid,except Sign-Of-Life15 Controller Sign-Of-Life 18 Detailed assignment of control word 2 (STW2_ENC)
- of life and it includes the fault buffer handling and Control by PLCmechanism from PROFIdrive ZSW1 and the Slave Sign-Of-Lifemechanism from PROFIdrive ZSW2. This signal is mandatory forcontrolling the clock synchronization.Bit Function0..2 Reserved3 Fault present/No fault4..8 Reserved9 Control requested10,11 Reserved12..15 Encoder Sign-of-lifeTable 19 Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC)Bit Value Significance Comments3 1 Fault Present Unacknowledged faults or currently notacknowledged faults (fault messages) are pre-sent(in the buffer).The fault reaction is fault-specificand device-specific. The acknowledgingof a fault may only be successful, if the faultcause has disappeared or has been removedbefore. If the fault has been removed the en-coderreturns to operation. The related f...
- Bit Function0..7 Function requests: Reference mark search,measurement on the fly8..10 Reserved (without effect)11 Home position mode position mode (Preset)12 Request set/shift of home position (Preset)13 Request absolute value cyclically14 Activate parking sensor15 Acknowledging a sensor errorTable 21 Control word (G1_STW)Note: If the sensor parking is activated (bit 14 = 1) the encod-eris still on the bus with the slave sign of life active and the encoder error and diagnostics switched off.
- messages of major encoder functions.Bit Function0..7 Function status: Reference mark search, measure-menton the fly8 Probe 1 deflected9 Probe 2 deflected position mode (Preset)10 Reserved, set to zero11 Requirements of error acknowledgment detected12 Set/shift of home position (Preset) executed13 Transmit absolute value cyclically14 Parking sensor active15 Sensor errorTable 22 Status word (G1_ZSW)Note: If bit 13 Transmit absolute value cyclically or bit 15 Sen-sorerror is not set there is no valid value or error codetransferred in G1_XIST2.Note: Bit 13 Transmit absolute value cyclically cannot be setat the same time as bit 15 Sensor error as these bitsare used to indicate either a valid position valuetransmission (bit 13) or the error code transmission (bit 15) in G1_XIST2.
- data with programmable controllers and other devices.The non real time channel based on for example TCP (UDP)/IP isused for parameterization, configuration and acyclic read/writeoperations.The RT or Real Time channel is used for process data transfer andalarms.Real-time data are treated with a higher priority than data sentover the open channel. RT communications overrides the openchannel to handle the data exchange with programmable Control-lers.The third channel, Isochronous Real Time (IRT) is the high perfor-mance,high speed channel used for demanding motion Controlapplications. IRT data are treated with a higher priority than RT da-tasent over the RT channel. Figure 28 Real time Communication
- Real-Time, RT Class
- Ł Unsynchronized Real time communicationŁ Industrial standard switches can be used.Ł Typical application area: Factory automation Real-Time, RT Class
- Ł Synchronized and unsynchronized data transmissionŁ Special switches supporting IRT is neededŁ Typical application area: Factory automation Isochronous Real Time, RT Class
- Ł Unsynchronized Real time communicationŁ Industrial standard switches can be used.Ł Typical application area: Factory automation Real-Time, RT Class
- Real-Time, RT Class
- data with programmable controllers and other devices.The non real time channel based on for example TCP (UDP)/IP isused for parameterization, configuration and acyclic read/writeoperations.The RT or Real Time channel is used for process data transfer andalarms.Real-time data are treated with a higher priority than data sentover the open channel. RT communications overrides the openchannel to handle the data exchange with programmable Control-lers.The third channel, Isochronous Real Time (IRT) is the high perfor-mance,high speed channel used for demanding motion Controlapplications. IRT data are treated with a higher priority than RT da-tasent over the RT channel. Figure 28 Real time Communication
- messages of major encoder functions.Bit Function0..7 Function status: Reference mark search, measure-menton the fly8 Probe 1 deflected9 Probe 2 deflected position mode (Preset)10 Reserved, set to zero11 Requirements of error acknowledgment detected12 Set/shift of home position (Preset) executed13 Transmit absolute value cyclically14 Parking sensor active15 Sensor errorTable 22 Status word (G1_ZSW)Note: If bit 13 Transmit absolute value cyclically or bit 15 Sen-sorerror is not set there is no valid value or error codetransferred in G1_XIST2.Note: Bit 13 Transmit absolute value cyclically cannot be setat the same time as bit 15 Sensor error as these bitsare used to indicate either a valid position valuetransmission (bit 13) or the error code transmission (bit 15) in G1_XIST2.
- Bit Function0..7 Function requests: Reference mark search,measurement on the fly8..10 Reserved (without effect)11 Home position mode position mode (Preset)12 Request set/shift of home position (Preset)13 Request absolute value cyclically14 Activate parking sensor15 Acknowledging a sensor errorTable 21 Control word (G1_STW)Note: If the sensor parking is activated (bit 14 = 1) the encod-eris still on the bus with the slave sign of life active and the encoder error and diagnostics switched off.
- of life and it includes the fault buffer handling and Control by PLCmechanism from PROFIdrive ZSW1 and the Slave Sign-Of-Lifemechanism from PROFIdrive ZSW2. This signal is mandatory forcontrolling the clock synchronization.Bit Function0..2 Reserved3 Fault present/No fault4..8 Reserved9 Control requested10,11 Reserved12..15 Encoder Sign-of-lifeTable 19 Status word 2 (ZSW2_ENC)Bit Value Significance Comments3 1 Fault Present Unacknowledged faults or currently notacknowledged faults (fault messages) are pre-sent(in the buffer).The fault reaction is fault-specificand device-specific. The acknowledgingof a fault may only be successful, if the faultcause has disappeared or has been removedbefore. If the fault has been removed the en-coderreturns to operation. The related f...
- Set point STW2_ENC G1_STW Table 10 Output data Telegram
- Diagnostics and AlarmsDiagnostic data is always transferred acyclically using Record Datacommunications over the non real time channel. An IO Supervisormust specifically request the diagnostic or status data from the IOdevice using RDO (Record Data Object) services.Alarm data is transmitted from the IO device to the IO controllervia the RT channel.Alarm is generated by the encoder when failure occurs which ef-fectsthe position value. Alarms can be reset (deleted) when allencoder parameters are within the specified value ranges and theposition value is correct.Channel diagnosticsThe encoder outputs a diagnostic interrupt to the CPU when it de-tectsone of the supported channel diagnostics.channelDiagnostic datarecord Descriptionerror 0x900A The encoder fails to read th...
- Acyclic data exchangeIn addition to the cyclic data exchange, the PROFINET encoder al-sosupports acyclic data exchange. The acyclic data exchange istransferred over the non-real time channel and is used to read outand write status information from and to the IO device. The acyclicdata exchange is conducted in parallel to the cyclic data commu-nication.Example of acyclic data:Ł Reading of diagnosticŁ Reading of I&M functionsŁ Reading of PROFIdrive parametersIdentification and Maintenance (I&M functions)Encoders according to the encoder profile 3.162 also support I&Mfunctionality.The main purpose of the I&M functions is to support the end userif the device is acting faulty or missing some of its functionality.The I&M functions could be seen as an electronic nameplate c...
- can be accessed by the Acyclic Data Exchange service using theBase Mode Parameter access local (Record Data Object 0xB02E).6.3.1 General characteristicsAcyclic parameter can be transmitted 1(single) or up to 39 (multi)in one access. A parameter access can be up to 240 bytes long.6.3.2 Parameter requests and responsesRequest header:Request ID, DO-ID and number of parameters of the access.Parameter address:One address for each parameter, if several parameters are ac-cessed.Parameter value:If the Request ID is 0x02 (change value) the value is set in the re-questand if the Request ID is 0x01 (request value), the value ap-pearsin the reply.6.3.3 Changing the preset valueTable 23 below shows the structure of a change value request. Write of Preset value, parameter
- Byte 0 1 2
- to the encoder and 16 bytes of input data from the encoderto the controller.Output data from the IO controller:2 bytes Control word 2 (STW2_ENC).2 bytes Control word (G1_STW). IO Data (word) 1
- .Value of elements 0x
- .read valueID (axis) 0x01 mirrored of parameters 0x
- of values 0x
- or errors 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x64 Preset value
- 6.4.1 Parameter 922, read only922. unsigned int, presents which telegram is used. Telegram 81,82,83,84 or 59001 is possible.6.4.2 Parameter 925, read/write925. unsigned int, maximum allowed MLS (Master sign-of-life) error. Pa-rameter925 may be used to set a maximum on how many consecutiveSign-of-life failures may occur.6.4.3 Parameter 964, read only964.unsigned int964[0] = Manufacturer Id. This is set during manufacturing of the encoder.964[1] = 0.DU Drive unit type, always set to 0.964[2] = 201.Software version964[3] = 2009.Software year964[4] = 2805. Software day and month964[5] = 1. Number of drive objects (DO)6.4.4 Parameter 965, read only 965.OctetString
- 965[0] =0x3D.Encoder profile number965[1] = 31 or 41 .Encoder profile version, set by customer (us-er_parameters)6.4.5 Parameter 971, read/write971. unsigned int, Stores the local parameter set to a non volatilememory. Preset value is saved when writing value 1 and is set to 0 by theencoder firmware when finished. This means that the preset value hasbeen saved when reading back value Parameter 974, read only974.unsigned int 974[0] = 96.Max array length supported by parameter channel.
- 975[0] = Manufacturer Id, Set in the production.975[1] = 7011.DO type975[2] = 201.Software version975[3] = 2009.Software year975[4] = 2805.Software day and month975[5] = 0x0005. PROFIdrive DO type class 5 = encoder interface975[6] = 0x8000. PROFIdrive SUB class 1, Encoder application class 4 sup-ported.975[7] = 0x0001.Drive object Id (DO ID).Parameter 979, read only979.unsigned long979[0] = 0x00005111. Number of index describing encoder, Numbers of de-scribedencoders, Version of parameter structure979[1] = 0x80000000. Sensor typeBit 31 = 1 if configuration and parameterization is OKBit 0 = 0 Rotary encoder, Bit 0 = 1 linear encoder Bit 1 = 0 always set to
- 6.4.10 Parameter 61000, read/writeName of station61000 .OctetString, 240 octets6.4.11 Parameter 61001, read onlyIP of station61001.unsigned long6.4.12 Parameter 61002, read onlyMAC of station61002.OctetString, 6 octets6.4.13 Parameter 61003, read onlyDefault gateway of station61003. unsigned long6.4.14 Parameter 61004, read onlySubnet mask of station61004. unsigned long6.4.15 Parameter 65000 read/writeUsed with telegram 81-83. 65000. signed long, preset value 32 bit.
- 65001. unsigned long65001[0] = 0x000C0101 .Header, Version of parameter structureand numbers of index describing the encoder. 12 index and ver-sion 1.
- 65001[1] = Operating status (Bit 4 alarm channel control is alwaysset with profile version 4.x)65001[2] = Alarm65001[3] = Supported alarms65001[4] = Warning65001[5] = Warnings supported65001[6] = 0x00000401. Encoder profile version. Always set tothis value.65001[7] = Operating time65001[8] = Offset value65001[9] = Singleturn value, scaled value65001[10] = Total measuring length, scaled value (Linear = 1)65001[11] = Velocity unitŁ step/10 msŁ step/100 msŁ step/1000 msŁ RPMParameter 65002, read/write Used with telegram
- 65002. signed long long, Preset value 64 bit.Parameter 65003, read only Used with telegram
- 65003. unsigned long long,65003[0] = 0x0000000000040101.Header Version of parameterstructure and numbers of index describing encoder. 4 index and version 1.
- 65003[1] = Offset value 64 bit
- 65000 (preset value). Experience with S7 programmingand Statement List programming language STL is required.Hardware componentsIO controller SIEMENS S7-F CPU CPU 315F-2PN/DPIO Device PROFINET encoderTable 28 Hardware componentsSoftware components SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.4 + SP
- 65003[1] = Offset value 64 bit
- DB1 is the request data block. 29 Request data block, DB
- DB2 is the response data block. 30 Response data block, DB
- 65003. unsigned long long,65003[0] = 0x0000000000040101.Header Version of parameterstructure and numbers of index describing encoder. 4 index and version 1.
- 65002. signed long long, Preset value 64 bit.Parameter 65003, read only Used with telegram
- 65001[1] = Operating status (Bit 4 alarm channel control is alwaysset with profile version 4.x)65001[2] = Alarm65001[3] = Supported alarms65001[4] = Warning65001[5] = Warnings supported65001[6] = 0x00000401. Encoder profile version. Always set tothis value.65001[7] = Operating time65001[8] = Offset value65001[9] = Singleturn value, scaled value65001[10] = Total measuring length, scaled value (Linear = 1)65001[11] = Velocity unitŁ step/10 msŁ step/100 msŁ step/1000 msŁ RPMParameter 65002, read/write Used with telegram
- 65001. unsigned long65001[0] = 0x000C0101 .Header, Version of parameter structureand numbers of index describing the encoder. 12 index and ver-sion 1.
- Figure 31 Instance data block, DB
- Figure 32 Instance data block, DB
- Parameter Declaration Data type DescriptionREQ INPUT BOOL REQ=1 Enables data transferID INPUT DWORD Logical address of the PROFINET IOmodule or sub module (PAP-moduleaddress 2039)INDEX* INPUT INT Record numberMLEN* INPUT INT Maximum length of the record in-formationin bytesVALID OUTPUT BOOL New record has been received andis valid.BUSY OUTPUT BOOL Busy=1 during the read operationERROR OUTPUT BOOL Error=1 read errorSTATUS OUTPUT DWORD Block status or error codeLEN* OUTPUT INT Length of record informationRECORD IN_OUT ANY Target area for the record Table 30 Parameters of SFB
- *) Negative values are interpreted as 16-bit unsigned integers.
- Figure 34 Diagnostic address of slot
- 35 Variable table
- 1) Enable monitoring by clicking the Monitor variable button.2) Write 02hex to address DB1.DBB 1 by entering B#16#02 in the modify valuecolumn.3) Write the new preset value in hexadecimal to address DB1.DBD 12 by enteringthe value in the modify value column. (Ex.DW#16#000001F4)4) Click the Modify variable button. The status value of DB1.DBB 12 should nowcontain the new value.5) Run the program-right click on M8.4 and click "Modify address to 1" to run theprogram. Then stop the program by right click and click "Modify address to 0".6) The status value of DB2.DBD 6 should now have been changed to the newpreset value.7) Change the value in DB1.DBB 1 to 01hex (B#16#01#) and click modify variable.8) To set the encoder to the new preset value bit 12 in control word must be...
- This chapter describes the functions that have been implementedin PROFINET encoders from HEIDENHAIN. The table belowshows the supported functions in the PROFINET encoder.FunctionCode sequenceClass 4 functionalityG1_XIST1 Preset controlScaling function controlAlarm channel controlCompatibility modePreset valuePreset value 64 bitMeasuring units per revolution/Measuring stepTotal measuring rangeMeasuring units per revolution 64 bitTotal measuring range 64 bitMaximum Master Sign of Life failuresVelocity measuring unitEncoder Profile versionOperating timeOffset value Offset value 64 bit
- The code sequence defines whether the absolute position valueshould increase during clockwise or counter clockwise rotation ofthe encoder shaft seen from flange side. The code sequence is bydefault set to increase the absolute position value when the shaftis turned clockwise (0).Attribute Meaning ValueCW Increasing position values with clockwise rotation (seen from shaft side)
- CCW Increasing position values with counter clockwise rotation (seen from shaft side)
- Table 33 Code sequenceNote: The position value will be affected when the code se-quenceis changed during operation. It might be nec-essaryto perform a preset after the code sequence hasbeen changed.7.2 Class 4 functionalityThis parameter enables or disables the measuring task functionsScaling, Preset and Code sequence. If the function is enabled,scaling and Code sequence control affects the position value inG1_XIST1, G1_XIST2 and G1_XIST3. A preset will in this case al-waysaffect G1_XIST2 and G1_XIST3 but if the parameterG1_XIST1 Preset control is disabled the preset will not affect theposition value in G1_XIST1.Attribute Meaning ValueEnable Scaling/preset/code sequence control enabled
- Disable Scaling/preset/code sequence control disabled
- actual value.If Class 4 functionality is activated and G1_XIST1 Preset control isdisabled, the position value in G1_XIST1 will not be affected by aPreset.Attribute Meaning Value Enable G1_XIST1 is affected by a preset com-mand
- Disable Preset does not affect G1_XIST1
- Table 35 G1_XIST1 Preset controlNote: This parameter is disabled by setting the value to 1. Note: There is no functionality of this parameter if the Class
- functionality parameter is disabled.Scaling function controlThis parameter enables or disables the Scaling function of the en-coder.Attribute Meaning Value Enable Scaling function is enabled
- Disable Scaling function is disabled
- Table 36 Scaling function controlNote: The parameter Class 4 functionality must be enabled to use this parameter.
- channel transferred as Channel Related Diagnosis. This functionali-tyis used to limit the amount of data sent in isochronous mode.If the value is zero (default value) only the communication relatedalarms are sent via the alarm channel. If the value is one (1) alsoencoder profile specific faults and warnings are sent via the alarmchannel.Attribute Meaning Value Enable Profile specific diagnosis is switch on
- Table 36 Scaling function controlNote: The parameter Class 4 functionality must be enabled to use this parameter.
- Disable Scaling function is disabled
- functionality parameter is disabled.Scaling function controlThis parameter enables or disables the Scaling function of the en-coder.Attribute Meaning Value Enable Scaling function is enabled
- Table 35 G1_XIST1 Preset controlNote: This parameter is disabled by setting the value to 1. Note: There is no functionality of this parameter if the Class
- Disable Preset does not affect G1_XIST1
- actual value.If Class 4 functionality is activated and G1_XIST1 Preset control isdisabled, the position value in G1_XIST1 will not be affected by aPreset.Attribute Meaning Value Enable G1_XIST1 is affected by a preset com-mand
- Disable Scaling/preset/code sequence control disabled
- Table 33 Code sequenceNote: The position value will be affected when the code se-quenceis changed during operation. It might be nec-essaryto perform a preset after the code sequence hasbeen changed.7.2 Class 4 functionalityThis parameter enables or disables the measuring task functionsScaling, Preset and Code sequence. If the function is enabled,scaling and Code sequence control affects the position value inG1_XIST1, G1_XIST2 and G1_XIST3. A preset will in this case al-waysaffect G1_XIST2 and G1_XIST3 but if the parameterG1_XIST1 Preset control is disabled the preset will not affect theposition value in G1_XIST1.Attribute Meaning ValueEnable Scaling/preset/code sequence control enabled
- CCW Increasing position values with counter clockwise rotation (seen from shaft side)
- The code sequence defines whether the absolute position valueshould increase during clockwise or counter clockwise rotation ofthe encoder shaft seen from flange side. The code sequence is bydefault set to increase the absolute position value when the shaftis turned clockwise (0).Attribute Meaning ValueCW Increasing position values with clockwise rotation (seen from shaft side)
- This chapter describes the functions that have been implementedin PROFINET encoders from HEIDENHAIN. The table belowshows the supported functions in the PROFINET encoder.FunctionCode sequenceClass 4 functionalityG1_XIST1 Preset controlScaling function controlAlarm channel controlCompatibility modePreset valuePreset value 64 bitMeasuring units per revolution/Measuring stepTotal measuring rangeMeasuring units per revolution 64 bitTotal measuring range 64 bitMaximum Master Sign of Life failuresVelocity measuring unitEncoder Profile versionOperating timeOffset value Offset value 64 bit
- 1) Enable monitoring by clicking the Monitor variable button.2) Write 02hex to address DB1.DBB 1 by entering B#16#02 in the modify valuecolumn.3) Write the new preset value in hexadecimal to address DB1.DBD 12 by enteringthe value in the modify value column. (Ex.DW#16#000001F4)4) Click the Modify variable button. The status value of DB1.DBB 12 should nowcontain the new value.5) Run the program-right click on M8.4 and click "Modify address to 1" to run theprogram. Then stop the program by right click and click "Modify address to 0".6) The status value of DB2.DBD 6 should now have been changed to the newpreset value.7) Change the value in DB1.DBB 1 to 01hex (B#16#01#) and click modify variable.8) To set the encoder to the new preset value bit 12 in control word must be...
- Table 38 Compatibility modeCompatibility mode ena-bled(=0) Compatibility modedisabled (=1)by PLCENC) Ignored, the control word(G1_STW) and the set pointvalues are always valid.Control requested(ZSW2_ENC) is not sup-portedand is set to 0. Supportedparameter MaximumSign of Life failures Supported Not supported, one Sign ofLife failure tolerated,PROFIdrive P925 is optionalto control the life sign moni-toring.parameter Alarmcontrol Supported Not supported, the applica-tionalarm channel is activeand controlled by aPROFIdrive parameter.Profile Version 31 (V3.1) 41 (V4.1) 39 Compatibility mode overview
- from the encoder to a known mechanical reference point of thesystem. The preset function sets the actual position of the encod-erto zero (= default value) or to the selected preset value. Thepreset function is controlled by bits in the control word (G1_STW)and acknowledged by a bit in the status word (G1_ZSW). A presetvalue can be set more than once and it can be stored to the non-volatilememory using PROFIdrive parameter 971.The preset function has an absolute and a relative operating modeselectable by bit 11 in the Control word (G1_STW). Bit 11 and bit12 in the Control word controls the preset in the following way. Normal operating mode: Bit 12 =
- In this mode, the encoder will make no change in the output val-ue. Preset mode absolute: Bit 11 =0, Bit 12 =
- In this mode, the encoder reads the current position value andcalculates an internal offset value from the preset value and thecurrent position value. The position value is then shifted with thecalculated offset value to get a position value equal to the presetvalue. No preset will be made if a negative preset value is usedwhile trying to initiate an absolute preset. Preset mode relative: Bit 11 =1, Bit 12 =
- In this mode the position value is shifted by the preset value,which could be a negative or a positive value set by encoder pa-rameter65000 or 65002.The steps below should be followed by the IO-controller whenmodifying the Preset value parameters:1. Read the requested Preset value parameter and check if thereturned value meets the application requirements. If not,proceed with the following steps.2. Write the Preset value into the individual parameter.3. Store the value in the non-volatile memory by PROFIdrive pa-rameter971 if the value should be valid also after the next power on sequence.
- Note: There is no preset activated when the preset value iswritten to the encoder. The preset function is controlledby bits in the control and status words (G1_STW andG1_ZSW) and bit in the operating parameters. The pre-set value is used when a preset is requested by bit
- in the control word (G1_STW).Scaling function parametersThe scaling function converts the encoder's physical absolute po-sitionvalue by means of software in order to change the resolu-tionof the encoder. The scaling parameters will only be activatedif the parameter Class 4 functionality and Scaling function controlare enabled. The permissible value range for the scaling is limitedby the resolution of the encoder. The scaling parameters are se-curelystored in the IO controller and are reloaded into the encod-erat each power-up.Measuring units per revolutionThis parameter sets the single turn resolution of the encoder. Inother words it is the number of different measuring steps duringone revolution of the encoder.Example:For a 13-bit encoder with a single turn resoluti...
- and 213 (8192).Parameter Meaning Data typeMeasuring units The single turn resolution per revolution in measuring steps Unsigned
- Measuring unitsper revolution64 bit The single turn resolutionin measuring steps for en-coderswith a resolution exceeding 32 bits. Unsigned
- total measuring range is calculated by multiplying the single turnresolution with the number of distinguishable revolutions.Example: The total measuring range for a 25 bit multi turn encoder with a
- bit single turn and a 12 bit multi turn resolution is between 2
- and 2
- (33 554 432).The total measuring range is calculated as below:Measuring units per revolution x Total measuring range= 8192 (213) x 4096 (212) =
- If the total measuring range is higher than 31 bit, telegram 84 andacyclic encoder parameter 65002 and 65003 must be used. Inthis case the 64 bit values are used and the 32 bit values are setto zero (0) by the encoder.The device has two different operating modes, depending on thespecified measuring range. When the device receives a parame-termessage, it checks the scaling parameters if a binary scalingcan be used. If binary scaling can be used, the device selects op-eratingmode A (see following explanation). If not, operating mode B is selected.
- (33 554 432).The total measuring range is calculated as below:Measuring units per revolution x Total measuring range= 8192 (213) x 4096 (212) =
- and 2
- bit single turn and a 12 bit multi turn resolution is between 2
- total measuring range is calculated by multiplying the single turnresolution with the number of distinguishable revolutions.Example: The total measuring range for a 25 bit multi turn encoder with a
- Measuring unitsper revolution64 bit The single turn resolutionin measuring steps for en-coderswith a resolution exceeding 32 bits. Unsigned
- and 213 (8192).Parameter Meaning Data typeMeasuring units The single turn resolution per revolution in measuring steps Unsigned
- in the control word (G1_STW).Scaling function parametersThe scaling function converts the encoder's physical absolute po-sitionvalue by means of software in order to change the resolu-tionof the encoder. The scaling parameters will only be activatedif the parameter Class 4 functionality and Scaling function controlare enabled. The permissible value range for the scaling is limitedby the resolution of the encoder. The scaling parameters are se-curelystored in the IO controller and are reloaded into the encod-erat each power-up.Measuring units per revolutionThis parameter sets the single turn resolution of the encoder. Inother words it is the number of different measuring steps duringone revolution of the encoder.Example:For a 13-bit encoder with a single turn resoluti...
- Note: There is no preset activated when the preset value iswritten to the encoder. The preset function is controlledby bits in the control and status words (G1_STW andG1_ZSW) and bit in the operating parameters. The pre-set value is used when a preset is requested by bit
- In this mode the position value is shifted by the preset value,which could be a negative or a positive value set by encoder pa-rameter65000 or 65002.The steps below should be followed by the IO-controller whenmodifying the Preset value parameters:1. Read the requested Preset value parameter and check if thereturned value meets the application requirements. If not,proceed with the following steps.2. Write the Preset value into the individual parameter.3. Store the value in the non-volatile memory by PROFIdrive pa-rameter971 if the value should be valid also after the next power on sequence.
- = number of revolutions 32) 36 Cyclic operation
- In this mode, the encoder reads the current position value andcalculates an internal offset value from the preset value and thecurrent position value. The position value is then shifted with thecalculated offset value to get a position value equal to the presetvalue. No preset will be made if a negative preset value is usedwhile trying to initiate an absolute preset. Preset mode relative: Bit 11 =1, Bit 12 =
- In this mode, the encoder will make no change in the output val-ue. Preset mode absolute: Bit 11 =0, Bit 12 =
- from the encoder to a known mechanical reference point of thesystem. The preset function sets the actual position of the encod-erto zero (= default value) or to the selected preset value. Thepreset function is controlled by bits in the control word (G1_STW)and acknowledged by a bit in the status word (G1_ZSW). A presetvalue can be set more than once and it can be stored to the non-volatilememory using PROFIdrive parameter 971.The preset function has an absolute and a relative operating modeselectable by bit 11 in the Control word (G1_STW). Bit 11 and bit12 in the Control word controls the preset in the following way. Normal operating mode: Bit 12 =
- 35 Variable table
- (number of revolutions 50) Figure 37 Non cyclic operation, preset control enabled
- the device will output the maximum position value within thescaled total range for the position value G1_XIST2. The positionvalue G1_XIST1 is not limited to the scaled total range. For theposition value G1_XIST1, the device will continue to output ascaled position value within the encoder's total measuring range(up to 33554432 positions for a 25 bit encoder).Example of non-cyclic scaling with G1_XIST1 Preset controldisabled: Measuring units per revolution =
- Total measuring range =
- (number of revolutions 50) 38 Non cyclic operation, preset control disabled
- tool, this needs to be done according to below:Example: Total measuring range in measuring units =
- 236= 68719476736 = 0x 00 00 00 10 00 00 00
- tool, this needs to be done according to below:Example: Total measuring range in measuring units =
- (number of revolutions 50) 38 Non cyclic operation, preset control disabled
- Total measuring range =
- the device will output the maximum position value within thescaled total range for the position value G1_XIST2. The positionvalue G1_XIST1 is not limited to the scaled total range. For theposition value G1_XIST1, the device will continue to output ascaled position value within the encoder's total measuring range(up to 33554432 positions for a 25 bit encoder).Example of non-cyclic scaling with G1_XIST1 Preset controldisabled: Measuring units per revolution =
- 7.9 Maximum Master Sign-of-Life failuresWith this parameter the number of allowed failures of the mas-ter´s sign of life is defined. The default value is one (1).Parameter Meaning ValueMaximum MasterSign-of-Life failures The number of permissiblefailures of the masters life sign. 1
- Table 41 Maximum master Sign of life failuresNote: This parameter is only supported in compatibilitymode. MSB LSB 4 byte=32 bit 4 byte=32 bit
- used to configure the signals NIST_A and NIST_B. Standard tele-gram81 has no velocity information included and the encoderdoes not use the velocity unit information in this case. Telegram82,83,84 and 59001 includes velocity output and needs a declara-tionof the velocity measuring unit.Parameter Meaning ValueVelocity measuringunits Definition of the units forthe encoder velocity outputvalue See belowVelocity measuring units ValueSteps/s
- Steps/100ms
- Steps/10ms
- Table 42 Velocity measuring unitsThe velocity calculations are made with a maximum of 19 bitsresolution. If the resolution is higher than 219, the value used forvelocity calculations is automatically reduced to 219.Example: For a 37 bit multi turn encoder with a 2
- single turn resolution and a 2
- multi turn resolution, the maximum single turn value forvelocity calculations will be 219. For a single turn encoder the max-imumresolution can be up to 31 bit, but the value used for veloci-tycalculations will in this case also be 219.Note: In case of the steps/s unit, an average is made over200 ms and the value is multiplied by 5.Note: If scaling has been set on the device the velocity calcu-lation is based on the scaled position value. Conse-quently
- document implemented in the encoder. This parameter is not af-fectedby the Compatibility mode settings.Bits Meaning0..7 Profile Version, least significant number,(value range: 0-99), decimal coding8..15 Profile Version,most significant number,(value range: 0-99), decimal coding16..31 ReservedTable 43 Encoder profile7.12 Operating time The operating time monitor stores the operating time for the de-vicein operating hours. The operating time is saved every sixminutes in the non-volatile memory in the device. This happens aslong as the device is powered on.If the operating time function is not used the operating time valueis set to the maximum value (0xFFFF FFFF).Parameter Meaning Data typeOperating time The accumulated power on time Unsigned
- Table 44 Operating time
- document implemented in the encoder. This parameter is not af-fectedby the Compatibility mode settings.Bits Meaning0..7 Profile Version, least significant number,(value range: 0-99), decimal coding8..15 Profile Version,most significant number,(value range: 0-99), decimal coding16..31 ReservedTable 43 Encoder profile7.12 Operating time The operating time monitor stores the operating time for the de-vicein operating hours. The operating time is saved every sixminutes in the non-volatile memory in the device. This happens aslong as the device is powered on.If the operating time function is not used the operating time valueis set to the maximum value (0xFFFF FFFF).Parameter Meaning Data typeOperating time The accumulated power on time Unsigned
- multi turn resolution, the maximum single turn value forvelocity calculations will be 219. For a single turn encoder the max-imumresolution can be up to 31 bit, but the value used for veloci-tycalculations will in this case also be 219.Note: In case of the steps/s unit, an average is made over200 ms and the value is multiplied by 5.Note: If scaling has been set on the device the velocity calcu-lation is based on the scaled position value. Conse-quently
- single turn resolution and a 2
- Table 42 Velocity measuring unitsThe velocity calculations are made with a maximum of 19 bitsresolution. If the resolution is higher than 219, the value used forvelocity calculations is automatically reduced to 219.Example: For a 37 bit multi turn encoder with a 2
- Steps/10ms
- Steps/100ms
- used to configure the signals NIST_A and NIST_B. Standard tele-gram81 has no velocity information included and the encoderdoes not use the velocity unit information in this case. Telegram82,83,84 and 59001 includes velocity output and needs a declara-tionof the velocity measuring unit.Parameter Meaning ValueVelocity measuringunits Definition of the units forthe encoder velocity outputvalue See belowVelocity measuring units ValueSteps/s
- Table 41 Maximum master Sign of life failuresNote: This parameter is only supported in compatibilitymode. MSB LSB 4 byte=32 bit 4 byte=32 bit
- functions.7.14.1 PROFIdrive parametersThe encoder profile V4.1 (PNO no. 3.162) has adopted certainstandard PROFIdrive parameter. The following PROFIdrive param-etersare supported:PNU (Prm.no) Significance Data type Read/Write922 Telegram selection Unsigned 16 R925 Number of Controller Sign-of-Lifefailures which may be tolerated. Unsigned 16 R/W964 Device identification Array[n]Unsigned 16 R965 Encoder Profile number Octet string 2 R971 Transfer to non volatile memory Unsigned 16 W974 Base Mode Parameter Accessservice identification Array[n]Unsigned 16 R975 Encoder object identification Array[n]Unsigned 16 R979 Sensor format Array[n]Unsigned 32 R980 List of supported parameters Array[n]Unsigned 16 R Table 46 Supported PROFIdrive parameters
- supported.(Prm.no) Significance Data type Read/WriteName of station Octet String[240] RIP of station Unsigned 32 RMAC of station Octet String[6] RDefault gateway of station Unsigned 32 RSubnet Mask Of Station Unsigned 32 RPreset value Integer 32 R/WOperating status Array [n]Integer 32 RPreset value 64 bit Integer 64 R/WOperating status 64 bit Array [n]Integer 64 R 47 Encoder parameter numbers
- function. The parameter 65002 should be used if the preset valueexceeds 32 bits. PNU
- Significance Preset value Data type Integer
- Access Read and writeValidity range Profile specificExplanation The preset value sets the value for the presetfunction. The preset value can be stored inthe non volatile memory by PROFIdrive pa-rameter971 and will be reloaded at each startup if stored.Table 48 Parameter 65000, Preset value PNU
- Significance Preset value Data type Integer
- Access Read and writeValidity range Profile specificExplanation The preset value sets the value for the presetfunction. The preset value can be stored inthe non volatile memory by PROFIdrive pa-rameter971 and will be reloaded at each startup if stored. Table 49 Parameter 65002, Preset value 64 bit
- on the Encoder operating status can be found. It is a com-plementto the PROFIdrive parameter 979 described in the Profilefor Drive Technology, PROFIdrive V4.1, Order nr 3.172 availablefrom PROFIBUS and PROFINET International. PNU
- Significance Encoder Operating Status Data type Array[n] Integer
- Access ReadValidity range Profile specificExplanation The operating status displays the status ofthe encoder. Table 50 Parameter 65001, Operating status
- 0 Header1 Operating status2 Faults3 Supported Faults4 Warnings5 Supported warnings6 Encoder Profile version7 Operating time8 Offset value9 Measuring units per revolution10 Total measuring range in measuring units11 Velocity measuring unit Table 51 Parameter 65001, Sub index
- the table below.Bits Definition0 Code sequence1 Class 4 functionality2 G1_XIST1 Preset control3 Scaling function control4 Alarm channel control5 Compatibility mode6...7 Reserved for the Encoder manufacturer8..31 Reserved for future use Table 52 Parameter 65001, Sub index
- on the 64 bit parameter values can be found. PNU
- Significance Encoder Operating Status 64 bit Data type Array[n] Integer
- Access ReadValidity range Profile specificExplanation The status of encoder operating parameterswith 64 bit length.Table 53 Parameter 65003, Operating status 64 bitSub index Meaning0 Header1 Offset value 64 bit2 Measuring units per revolution 64 bit3 Total measuring range in measuring units64 bit Table 54 Parameter 65003, Sub index
- I&M functions are supported by the encoder. The I&M func-tionscan be accessed with record index 0xAFF0-0xAFF4. The fol-lowingI&M functions are supported.I&M Parameter Octets CommentHeaderManufacturer specific 10 Not usedI&M BlockMANUFACTURER_ID 2 Manufacturer IdORDER_ID 20 Encoder part numberSERIAL_NUMBER 16 Encoder serial numberHARDWARE_REVISION 2 Not usedSOFTWARE_REVISION 4 Software revisionREVISION_COUNTER 2 Not usedPROFILE_ID 2 Encoder Profile numberPROFILE_SPECIFIC_TYPE 2 Type of encoder,IM_VERSION 2 Version of the I&M pro-fileIM_SUPPORTED 2 Value = 0 means sup-portof I&M Table 55 Identification & Maintenance
- The encoder supports a firmware upgrade function. The firmwareupgrade function is developed to offer the possibility to upgradethe encoders in the future.Before the upgrade of the encoder can start, the following toolsare needed:Ł A running TFTP serverŁ A WEB browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera etc.)The encoder itself puts no restrictions on what TFTP server touse. The customer can choose to use any TFTP servers.Firmware upgrade in a PROFINET network.Ł This is when the encoder is connected to a PROFINET net-work.The encoder will be provided with an IP address from the PROFINET IO controller (with DCP).
- the encoder in a PROFINET network:Ł The encoder should be attached to the network.Ł The encoder must have a valid Device name and a valid IP ad-dress(assigned with DCP).Ł A TFTP server should be enabled on the LAN where the en-coderis attached. See chapter 8.4 for an example how to setup a TFTP server.Once the encoder has been assign a valid IP address it should beaccessible on the network. Enter the encoders IP address in theWEB browser to open the Firmware upgrade page. Figure 39 Firmware upgrade startpage
- Ł Server IP address - Enter the IP address to the TFTP server onthe LANŁ Firmware filename - Enter the full file name of the new firm-warefile supplied by the TFTP serverŁ Date - Enter the current date for the upgrade. This is stored aspart of the Upgrade History. The format is yyyy-mm-dd. E.g.2010-11-15. Figure 40 Firmware upgrade settings
- A confirmation page is displayed where the upgrade has to beconfirmed before the device starts the actual firmware upgradeprocess. The Continue button needs to be clicked in order to startthe upgrade sequence. Figure 41 Firmware upgrade confirmation page
- should always be displayed when the upgrade is finished. If no er-rorsoccur during upgrade the encoder will automatically reboot it-selfand connect to the PROFINET IO-controller with the newfirmware.Figure 42 Firmware upgrade status pageDuring the upgrade, both the bus status LED and the device sta-tusLED will be flashing green. If an error occurs both LEDS willbe flashing red.If the upgrade fails check the error code displayed on the progress page. The error codes are described in chapter 8.3.
- an upgrade error. The error code will be visible on the feedbackwebpage. If an error occurs the device will not reboot itself au-tomatically.Instead it will wait upon user action. This is to allowthe user to take the next step. E.g. the user might want to checksome parameters before rebooting or try to run the upgrade pro-cedureagain.Failed to download firmware file from server Error code: -
- The user should verify the IP address and the image filename. Ifany of them is incorrect the user should go back and submit thecorrect parameters at the main html page (index.html). If the pa-rametersare correct the user should verify that the TFTP server isrunning on the host computer and that the TFTP server settingsare correct.Host not responding/No contact with host computer Error code: -
- The user should verify that the host computer is connected to theencoder. The ping command can be used for this purpose. If con-nected,go back to upgrade.html and click Confirm to try and up-gradeagain.Checksum Error/File image error Error code: -
- Calculated checksum doesn't match the one supplied by the im-agefile. The most likely cause for this problem is that there wasan error when downloading the file to the encoder. Go back toupgrade.html and press Confirm and try again.Flash Erase/Write Error Error code: -
- The image might be corrupt. Flash Erase or Write failed. If this er-roroccurs the device can still start with its failsafe image. It will be displayed by the Execution State parameter on the web Page.
- for Windows NT/XP/Vista platforms and it can be downloadedfrom www.solarwinds.com.Unzip the installation file and double click on the SolarWinds-TFTP-Server.exe file to start the installation. Follow the instruc-tionson the screen to complete the installation.Create a folder on C:\ named TFTP_Root (if it not already exists).Copy or Move the new firmware file used to the C:\TFTP_Root di-rectory.Start the SolarWinds TFTP server and click on the File->Configuretab to open up the Configure window. Figure 43 SolarWinds TFTP server
- The encoder supports Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP).LLDP is essentially a neighbor discovery protocol used by net-workdevices for advertising of their identity, capabilities and inter-connections.In a PROFINET network all IO devices are recognized by their de-vicename.Sometimes an IO device needs to be replaced in an automationsystem, and this is when LLDP is useful. Using LLDP, the neigh-borrelations between the individual IO device and the IO control-lerare analyzed and stored on the IO controller. If an IO devicehas been replaced, the IO controller will recognize this and will redefine the device name.
- Follow the instruction below to exchange an IO device usingLLDP:Select properties of the PN-IO controllers interface module and enable Support device replacement without exchangeable medi-um.
- The user should verify that the host computer is connected to theencoder. The ping command can be used for this purpose. If con-nected,go back to upgrade.html and click Confirm to try and up-gradeagain.Checksum Error/File image error Error code: -
- The user should verify the IP address and the image filename. Ifany of them is incorrect the user should go back and submit thecorrect parameters at the main html page (index.html). If the pa-rametersare correct the user should verify that the TFTP server isrunning on the host computer and that the TFTP server settingsare correct.Host not responding/No contact with host computer Error code: -
- an upgrade error. The error code will be visible on the feedbackwebpage. If an error occurs the device will not reboot itself au-tomatically.Instead it will wait upon user action. This is to allowthe user to take the next step. E.g. the user might want to checksome parameters before rebooting or try to run the upgrade pro-cedureagain.Failed to download firmware file from server Error code: -
- should always be displayed when the upgrade is finished. If no er-rorsoccur during upgrade the encoder will automatically reboot it-selfand connect to the PROFINET IO-controller with the newfirmware.Figure 42 Firmware upgrade status pageDuring the upgrade, both the bus status LED and the device sta-tusLED will be flashing green. If an error occurs both LEDS willbe flashing red.If the upgrade fails check the error code displayed on the progress page. The error codes are described in chapter 8.3.
- A confirmation page is displayed where the upgrade has to beconfirmed before the device starts the actual firmware upgradeprocess. The Continue button needs to be clicked in order to startthe upgrade sequence. Figure 41 Firmware upgrade confirmation page
- Ł Server IP address - Enter the IP address to the TFTP server onthe LANŁ Firmware filename - Enter the full file name of the new firm-warefile supplied by the TFTP serverŁ Date - Enter the current date for the upgrade. This is stored aspart of the Upgrade History. The format is yyyy-mm-dd. E.g.2010-11-15. Figure 40 Firmware upgrade settings
- the encoder in a PROFINET network:Ł The encoder should be attached to the network.Ł The encoder must have a valid Device name and a valid IP ad-dress(assigned with DCP).Ł A TFTP server should be enabled on the LAN where the en-coderis attached. See chapter 8.4 for an example how to setup a TFTP server.Once the encoder has been assign a valid IP address it should beaccessible on the network. Enter the encoders IP address in theWEB browser to open the Firmware upgrade page. Figure 39 Firmware upgrade startpage
- The encoder supports a firmware upgrade function. The firmwareupgrade function is developed to offer the possibility to upgradethe encoders in the future.Before the upgrade of the encoder can start, the following toolsare needed:Ł A running TFTP serverŁ A WEB browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera etc.)The encoder itself puts no restrictions on what TFTP server touse. The customer can choose to use any TFTP servers.Firmware upgrade in a PROFINET network.Ł This is when the encoder is connected to a PROFINET net-work.The encoder will be provided with an IP address from the PROFINET IO controller (with DCP).
- I&M functions are supported by the encoder. The I&M func-tionscan be accessed with record index 0xAFF0-0xAFF4. The fol-lowingI&M functions are supported.I&M Parameter Octets CommentHeaderManufacturer specific 10 Not usedI&M BlockMANUFACTURER_ID 2 Manufacturer IdORDER_ID 20 Encoder part numberSERIAL_NUMBER 16 Encoder serial numberHARDWARE_REVISION 2 Not usedSOFTWARE_REVISION 4 Software revisionREVISION_COUNTER 2 Not usedPROFILE_ID 2 Encoder Profile numberPROFILE_SPECIFIC_TYPE 2 Type of encoder,IM_VERSION 2 Version of the I&M pro-fileIM_SUPPORTED 2 Value = 0 means sup-portof I&M Table 55 Identification & Maintenance
- Access ReadValidity range Profile specificExplanation The status of encoder operating parameterswith 64 bit length.Table 53 Parameter 65003, Operating status 64 bitSub index Meaning0 Header1 Offset value 64 bit2 Measuring units per revolution 64 bit3 Total measuring range in measuring units64 bit Table 54 Parameter 65003, Sub index
- Significance Encoder Operating Status 64 bit Data type Array[n] Integer
- on the 64 bit parameter values can be found. PNU
- the table below.Bits Definition0 Code sequence1 Class 4 functionality2 G1_XIST1 Preset control3 Scaling function control4 Alarm channel control5 Compatibility mode6...7 Reserved for the Encoder manufacturer8..31 Reserved for future use Table 52 Parameter 65001, Sub index
- 0 Header1 Operating status2 Faults3 Supported Faults4 Warnings5 Supported warnings6 Encoder Profile version7 Operating time8 Offset value9 Measuring units per revolution10 Total measuring range in measuring units11 Velocity measuring unit Table 51 Parameter 65001, Sub index
- Access ReadValidity range Profile specificExplanation The operating status displays the status ofthe encoder. Table 50 Parameter 65001, Operating status
- Significance Encoder Operating Status Data type Array[n] Integer
- on the Encoder operating status can be found. It is a com-plementto the PROFIdrive parameter 979 described in the Profilefor Drive Technology, PROFIdrive V4.1, Order nr 3.172 availablefrom PROFIBUS and PROFINET International. PNU
- Access Read and writeValidity range Profile specificExplanation The preset value sets the value for the presetfunction. The preset value can be stored inthe non volatile memory by PROFIdrive pa-rameter971 and will be reloaded at each startup if stored. Table 49 Parameter 65002, Preset value 64 bit
- Significance Preset value Data type Integer
- Access Read and writeValidity range Profile specificExplanation The preset value sets the value for the presetfunction. The preset value can be stored inthe non volatile memory by PROFIdrive pa-rameter971 and will be reloaded at each startup if stored.Table 48 Parameter 65000, Preset value PNU
- Significance Preset value Data type Integer
- function. The parameter 65002 should be used if the preset valueexceeds 32 bits. PNU
- supported.(Prm.no) Significance Data type Read/WriteName of station Octet String[240] RIP of station Unsigned 32 RMAC of station Octet String[6] RDefault gateway of station Unsigned 32 RSubnet Mask Of Station Unsigned 32 RPreset value Integer 32 R/WOperating status Array [n]Integer 32 RPreset value 64 bit Integer 64 R/WOperating status 64 bit Array [n]Integer 64 R 47 Encoder parameter numbers
- Figure 46 LLDP Port configuration
- Figure 48 Open Topology editor
- 10.1.1 Profile version 4.x If using encoder complying with encoder profile v4.1, then bit
- Control by PLC in Control word 2 needs to be set before the datain Control word is valid. If not set, Control word is not used by theencoder firmware.10.1.2 Profile version 3.xIf using encoders complying with encoder profile 3.x, the data inControl word is always valid and bit 9 Control requested in Statusword 2 is always cleared.10.1.3 Profile version 3.x and 4.xWhen using telegram 81-83 and Control word bit 13 Request ab-solutevalue cyclically is set, then Status word bit 13 Transmit ab-solutevalue cyclically is set. Status word bit 13 is cleared (bit13=0) when Control word bit 13 is cleared. Status word bit 13 isalways cleared, when using telegram 84 due to the fact that noabsolute value is sent in G1_XIST2.10.2 Parking state This state can be reached from any oth...
- Request set/shift of home position is set. In this case the Statusword bit 12 Set/shift of home position executed is set to 1. In or-derto initiate a set/shift home position Class 4 functionality must be enabled otherwise there will be an error in G1_XIST2.
- 65000 Preset value 32 bit shall be used to set a preset value (<=32 bit) for the encoder. If the acyclic encoder parameter
- Preset value 64 bit is used in this case, an error message will bereturned. With telegram 81-83 the operating status must be readby encoder parameter 65001 Operating status 32 bit.With telegram 84, the acyclic encoder parameter 65002 Presetvalue 64 bit shall be used to set a preset value (<=64 bit) for the encoder. If the acyclic encoder parameter 65000 Preset value
- bit is used in this case, an error message will be returned. Withtelegram 84 the operating status must be read by encoder pa-rameter65003 Operating status 64 bit.Absolute preset with negative value Preset data sent with acyclic encoder parameter 65000 or
- are signed values. The relative preset mode uses signed presetvalues, but with the absolute preset mode no preset will be madeif a negative preset value (set with encoder parameter 65000 or65002) is used while trying to initiate an absolute preset.Error state This state is reached when an error has occurred. The encodercan enter this state from both the normal operation state and theset/shift home position state. If an error occurs, the Status wordbit 15 Sensor error is set, and the error code is displayed inG1_XIST2 instead of the position value.Error acknowledgementThis state is reached when an error has occurred, and Controlword bit 15 Acknowledging a sensor error has been set. The Sta-tusword bit 11 Requirement of error acknowledgment detectedand Status word bit ...
- bit is used in this case, an error message will be returned. Withtelegram 84 the operating status must be read by encoder pa-rameter65003 Operating status 64 bit.Absolute preset with negative value Preset data sent with acyclic encoder parameter 65000 or
- Preset value 64 bit is used in this case, an error message will bereturned. With telegram 81-83 the operating status must be readby encoder parameter 65001 Operating status 32 bit.With telegram 84, the acyclic encoder parameter 65002 Presetvalue 64 bit shall be used to set a preset value (<=64 bit) for the encoder. If the acyclic encoder parameter 65000 Preset value
- 65000 Preset value 32 bit shall be used to set a preset value (<=32 bit) for the encoder. If the acyclic encoder parameter
- Request set/shift of home position is set. In this case the Statusword bit 12 Set/shift of home position executed is set to 1. In or-derto initiate a set/shift home position Class 4 functionality must be enabled otherwise there will be an error in G1_XIST2.
- Control by PLC in Control word 2 needs to be set before the datain Control word is valid. If not set, Control word is not used by theencoder firmware.10.1.2 Profile version 3.xIf using encoders complying with encoder profile 3.x, the data inControl word is always valid and bit 9 Control requested in Statusword 2 is always cleared.10.1.3 Profile version 3.x and 4.xWhen using telegram 81-83 and Control word bit 13 Request ab-solutevalue cyclically is set, then Status word bit 13 Transmit ab-solutevalue cyclically is set. Status word bit 13 is cleared (bit13=0) when Control word bit 13 is cleared. Status word bit 13 isalways cleared, when using telegram 84 due to the fact that noabsolute value is sent in G1_XIST2.10.2 Parking state This state can be reached from any oth...
- 965[0] =0x3D.Encoder profile number965[1] = 31 or 41 .Encoder profile version, set by customer (us-er_parameters)6.4.5 Parameter 971, read/write971. unsigned int, Stores the local parameter set to a non volatilememory. Preset value is saved when writing value 1 and is set to 0 by theencoder firmware when finished. This means that the preset value hasbeen saved when reading back value Parameter 974, read only974.unsigned int 974[0] = 96.Max array length supported by parameter channel.
- 6.4.1 Parameter 922, read only922. unsigned int, presents which telegram is used. Telegram 81,82,83,84 or 59001 is possible.6.4.2 Parameter 925, read/write925. unsigned int, maximum allowed MLS (Master sign-of-life) error. Pa-rameter925 may be used to set a maximum on how many consecutiveSign-of-life failures may occur.6.4.3 Parameter 964, read only964.unsigned int964[0] = Manufacturer Id. This is set during manufacturing of the encoder.964[1] = 0.DU Drive unit type, always set to 0.964[2] = 201.Software version964[3] = 2009.Software year964[4] = 2805. Software day and month964[5] = 1. Number of drive objects (DO)6.4.4 Parameter 965, read only 965.OctetString
- or errors 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x64 Preset value
- value ZSW2_ENC G1_ZSW G1_XIST1 G1_XIST2 NIST_A 9 Input data Telegram
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12