Programming a simple contour, Programming the first part 1.3 – HEIDENHAIN TNC 620 (73498x-02) ISO programming User Manual
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Programming the first part
TNC 620 | User's Manual for DIN/ISO Programming | 5/2013
Programming a simple contour
The contour shown to the right is to be milled once to a depth of
5 mm. You have already defined the workpiece blank. After you
have initiated a dialog through a function key, enter all the data
requested by the TNC in the screen header.
Call the tool: Enter the tool data. Confirm each of
your entries with the ENT key. Do not forget the
tool axis
Press the L key to open a program block for a
linear movement
Press the left arrow key to switch to the input
range for G codes
Press the G0 soft key if you want to enter a rapid
traverse motion
Retract the tool: Press the orange axis key Z in
order to get clear in the tool axis, and enter the
value for the position to be approached, e.g. 250.
Confirm with the ENT key
Radius comp.: RL/RR/no comp? by
pressing the ENT key: Do not activate the radius
Confirm the
Miscellaneous function M? with
theEND key: The TNC saves the entered
positioning block
Press the L key to open a program block for a
linear movement
Press the left arrow key to switch to the input
range for G codes
Press the G0 soft key if you want to enter a rapid
traverse motion
Preposition the tool in the working plane: Press
the orange X axis key and enter the value for the
position to be approached, e.g. –20
Press the orange Y axis key and enter the value for
the position to be approached, e.g. –20. Confirm
with the ENT key
Radius comp.: RL/RR/no comp? by
pressing the ENT key: Do not activate the radius
Confirm the
Miscellaneous function M? with the
END key: The TNC saves the entered positioning