2 t ool data – HEIDENHAIN iTNC 530 (60642x-03) ISO programming User Manual

Page 175

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5.2 T

ool data


Value of this tool that is to be sent to the PLC.

Input range: –99999.9999 to +99999.9999

PLC value?


Tool type for evaluation in the pocket table.

Input range: 0 to +99

Tool type for pocket table?


Limit the spindle speed for this tool. The programmed value is
monitored (error message) as well as an increase in the shaft
speed via the potentiometer. Function inactive: Enter .

Input range: 0 to +99999, if function not active: enter .

Maximum speed [rpm]?


Definition of whether the TNC should retract the tool in the
direction of the positive tool axis at an NC stop or power failure in
order to avoid leaving dwell marks on the contour. If Y is entered,
the TNC retracts the tool from the contour by up to 30 mm,
provided that this function was activated in the NC program with
M148 (see "Automatic retraction of tool from the contour at
an NC stop: M148" on page 345).

Input : Y and N

Retract tool Y/N ?

P1 ... P3

Machine-dependent function: Transfer of a value to the PLC.
Refer to the machine manual.

Input range: –99999.9999 to +99999.9999



Machine-dependent function: Kinematics description for vertical
milling heads, which the TNC adds to the active machine
kinematics. Assign available kinematic descriptions by using the
ASSIGN KINEMATICS soft key (see also "Tool-carrier kinematics"
on page 183).

Input range: 16 characters max.

Additional kinematic description?


Point angle of the tool. Is used by the Centering cycle (Cycle 240)
in order to calculate the centering depth from the diameter entry.

Input range: –180 to +180°

Point angle (Type DRILL+CSINK)?


Thread pitch of the tool (currently without function)

Input range in mm: 0 to +99999.9999

Input range in inches: 0 to +3936.9999

Thread pitch (only type TAP)?


Control setting for the adaptive feed control AFC that you have
defined in the NAME column of the AFC.TAB table. Apply the
feedback-control strategy with the ASSIGN AFC CONTROL
SETTING soft key (3rd soft-key row)

Input range: 10 characters max.

Feedback-control strategy?


