Figures, Tables – Grass Valley Profile CD-ROM Drive User Manual
Page 4

CD-ROM Instructions
Checking the Windows NT Device Status ........................................................... 49
Checking the CD-ROM Device Status In Windows NT 3.51........................ 49
Checking the CD-ROM Device Status In Windows NT 4.0.......................... 50
Checking the Parallel Port Status In Windows NT 3.51 ............................... 50
Checking the Parallel Port Status In Windows NT 4.0 ................................. 51
Verifying the VGA-I/O Board Configuration Switches .................................. 52
CD-ROM drive cabling for the PDR200, PDR300, and PDR400 .............. 18
Removing the circuit board retainer ........................................................... 24
Location of circuit board mounting screw................................................... 25
CEX595 VGA-I/O board switch settings to enable parallel port................. 26
CEX585 VGA-I/O board switch settings to enable parallel port................. 27
PDR100 VGA board with and without a parallel port................................. 34
CEX595 VGA-I/O board switch settings when used with
the 486 System CPU board ............................................................... 35
CEX585 VGA-I/O board switch settings when used with
the 486 System CPU board .............................................................. 36
Removing the circuit board retainer ........................................................... 37
Location of circuit board mounting screw................................................... 38
Installing the parallel port L-bracket and cabling........................................ 39
Removing the circuit board retainer ........................................................... 54
Location of circuit board mounting screw................................................... 55
CEX595 VGA-I/O board switch settings when used with
the Pentium System CPU board........................................................ 56
CEX585 VGA-I/O board switch settings when used with
the Pentium System CPU board........................................................ 57
List of CD-ROM drive installation procedures ........................................... 13
Procedure selection table ........................................................................ 30
Procedures to enable parallel port settings in CMOS ............................... 41
Connecting the CD-ROM drive to the PDR100 parallel port .................... 43
Instructions for verifying parallel port configuration ................................... 52