Floor mount models (fr), 6 drying hopper air trap considerations, 7 installing the optional aftercooler – AEC WD 350 through WD3000 Dehumidifying Dryers User Manual

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3-5 Making Dryer/Drying Hopper Process Air


Floor Mount Models (FR)

Use high-temperature flexible dryer hose or rigid tubing to connect the dryer to the drying


Keep the delivery hose to the drying hopper as short as possible to minimize heat loss. We

strongly recommend insulated hose for maximum energy savings.

Do not use insulated hose on the return from the drying hopper.

Do not shorten the return hose. The return air to the blower must be 150


F (66ºC) or

below. If the return air temperature is not below this point, you should purchase and install
the optional aftercooler to remove excessive heat. Consult AEC, Inc. for more information.
Aftercooler considerations also apply to machine-mount models.

Make sure that hoses are not kinked or collapsed.
Drying hopper air inlet and outlet locations vary, but always connect hoses so the dry process

air from the dryer enters the bottom of the drying hopper and flows out the top to return to
the dryer inlet.

3-6 Drying Hopper Air Trap Considerations

AEC/Whitlock’s exclusive air trap assembly on the top of the drying hopper prevents ambient air
from contaminating the material being dried.

Keep the material level at the mid point of the air trap for maximum efficiency.
Use a hopper loader or vacuum conveying system to maintain the proper material level.

3-7 Installing the Optional Aftercooler

Air-cooled WD10MR/FR and WD25MR/FR models use an air-to-air heat exchanger as an
aftercooler. No cooling water is required for this design. Return air from the hopper passes
through the air filter to trap fines and dust before entering the heat exchanger.

WDMR and WDFR Series Dehumidifying Dryers

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