Database (db) – Wavetronix Command Translator (CMD-DT) - User Guide User Manual
Page 99
Database (DB)
The Database type represents data currently within a database system on either the local or
remote machine.
Figure 9.1 – Database Component
The Database component has the following properties:
Database Type (Choice) – This section allows you to select the value that matches the
database to be connected to. Supported database types are:
Sybase 12 (or higher)
SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 (includes SQL Server Express Edition)
Oracle 8 (or higher)
Future versions of Translator and TaskBuilder will support more databases.
Host Name (Value—String) – The Host Name property represents the name of the host
machine or IP address on which the database is located. If the database requires a port
number in addition to a host name/IP address for connectivity, add the port number to
the end of the host/IP string separated with a colon ( : ) or a comma ( , ). For example, or myHostName,5000.
If required for connectivity, include the port number, host name, and IP address with
either a colon or a comma as a divider (e.g. or myHostName,5000).
For Oracle databases, the database name is used instead of the host machine.
The database name must be registered with the Oracle Client on the Translator ma-
chine (see Chapter 11).
User Name (Value—String) – The User Name property represents the username used