Wavetronix Command Translator (CMD-DT) - User Guide User Manual

Page 46

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selected option is not available, the segment will be combined with the opposite side instead.

Figure 4.10 – Remove Segment

The last/only segment in a route cannot be removed.

To create smaller segments from a larger one, select the segment to be split and push Split Seg-

ment. A window will appear asking how many sub-segments to create (two or more). Figure

4.11 shows an example route where the first segment from Figure 4.8 above has been split into

four equal segments. After splitting, each segment can be adjusted for width as needed.

Figure 4.11 – Splitting a Segment

Segments can also be automatically generated based on locations of existing assets, using

the Recalibrate Segments button (see the Recalibrating Segments section below).


Be sure to use the

Save Route button to save changes you make to the route and

to individual segments; simply using the

Change or Split Segment buttons will not

make your changes permanent.


The tabs at the bottom of the Edit Route page—

Assets, Travel Point and Override

will be covered later in this chapter.