Depth-first execution, Breadth-first execution – Wavetronix Command Translator (CMD-DT) - User Guide User Manual
Page 96
Figure 8.10 – Task Execution
Depth-first Execution
In depth-first execution each branch of the task is executed completely before the next
branch begins.
In the example above, the execution order would be A-C-E-B-D-E. Because E is in both
branches, it will be executed twice; this means that two emails will be sent to the given ad-
dress, each containing an XML file with one of the two datasets.
In the example above, the XML file for both executions has the same name, so the
execution of D will overwrite the file created by C on the file system. However, a copy
of the file created by C was sent with the first email.
Breadth-first Execution
In breadth-first execution, execution order is dependent on the distance from the start
component. TaskBuilder will first execute all actions that connect to the start component,
then all actions that connect to the next set of components, then all actions that connect to
those components, and so on until all actions have been executed. All actions of equal dis-
tance away from the start component will be executed together, regardless of which branch
they are in.
In the example above, the execution order would be A-B-C-D-E. In this case, both datasets
are added to the same XML file, which is then emailed once with one XML file containing
both sets of data.