Database conversion sub-window elements, Creating a mapping – Wavetronix Command Translator (CMD-DT) - User Guide User Manual

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Database Conversion Sub-window Elements

Figure 11.1 shows the Database Conversion sub-window with the following component



Source/Destination Database – These drop-down lists allow you to choose the indi-

vidual database located on the target server machine. Because of the connection lag, it

may take a few seconds for the sub-window to update. Some databases, such as Access

and Oracle, will display only one option.


Source/Destination Table – After choosing a database, these drop-down lists will be

filled with every table within the database; choose a source and destination table for the

mapping. Because of the connection lag, it may take a few seconds for the sub-window

to update.


Source/Destination Columns – After choosing a table, these list boxes will automati-

cally fill with all of the columns in the selected table. The icon on the left of the name

will mark the column as a primary key column or a normal data column; on the right

of the name is the column data type. The column data type is important for assess-

ing type compatibility from source to destination. The data type designations can be

toggled by the Show Data Types check box at the top of the sub-window.


Mapping Diagram – The mapping diagram area is located between the source and des-

tination column lists. The colored lines represent the connections between columns

and will be drawn automatically when mappings are created.


Mappings List – Once column-to-column mappings are made, you can select and de-

lete them from this list when desired. The colors of the mappings in the list correspond

to the color mapping lines on the mapping diagram.


Delete Button – The Delete button is used to delete a selected mapping from the map-

ping list.


Clear All Button – The Clear All button deletes all mappings from the mapping list.


Accept Button – The Accept button saves the current mappings and closes the sub-

window. If there are destination columns that do not currently have a mapping, the

Default Value sub-window (discussed later in this section) will open and allow you to

select default values for those columns.


Cancel Button – The Cancel button closes the sub-window without saving any changes

to the mappings.


Key/Auto Columns – The Key and Auto columns will be present only if the destination

database is a Sybase or Oracle database. It is necessary to mark primary key and auto-

increment columns.

Creating a Mapping

The following are the two methods for creating a mapping between a source and destination



Select the desired column from both column lists and click the Add button.