Example – Wavetronix Command Translator (CMD-DT) - User Guide User Manual

Page 141

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When Run button is clicked – This setting affects the functionality of the Run toolbar

button in regards to debugging.

The Open Debug Menu/Toolbar without executing option is the default setting

and is used if debugging is necessary when creating tasks. Click to prepare

the task for debugging without executing. The Debug menu and toolbar will be

opened, allowing you to step through or run all.

Choosing Run entire task without debugging allows you to click to imme-

diately run the entire task without stopping for debugging, preventing you from

needing to click both Run and Run All. This option should be selected when task

execution is of primary concern and there is no need for step debugging.


When exiting TaskBuilder – This setting affects what happens to open tasks when

TaskBuilder closes. It allows you to determine how tasks are saved. There are four op-

tions for this setting.

Save all open tasks automatically will cause TaskBuilder to automatically save

changes for all open tasks.

Ask once before saving all open tasks will cause TaskBuilder to open one sub-

window prompting you to save all your open tasks. Clicking Yes saves all changes

to any open tasks; clicking No saves none of the changes in open tasks.

Ask to save for each open task individually will cause TaskBuilder to open a sub-

window for each open task prompting you to save your changed tasks one at a time.

Close without saving any open task will cause TaskBuilder to close without sav-

ing changes to any open tasks. If this option is selected, you must Save manually to

keep any changes made to a task.


When Opening a Task – When set to the default value (Draw using user-defined lo-

cation information), task components will be redrawn in their previous locations on

the screen when the task is opened. The alternate option (Rearrange task components

into default locations) will reconfigure component locations into logical patterns

when the task is opened. This will ignore any repositioning you have done on the task

components the last time the task was modified.


Default File Path – If no other path is specified, the Default File path will be the file

path to which files will be loaded and saved.


\Temp\MyFile.xml will be saved in \Temp\MyFile.xml.

If the file path does not contain a drive designation (C:) or a network location (\\serv-

er\), TaskBuilder will assume the path is relative to the given default file path. Relative

file paths can include subdirectories off of the default file path. The system will not cre-

ate directories or subdirectories that do not already exist.

When you’ve finished making changes, click Accept. Click Cancel to close the sub-window

without saving any changes.