Visara Master Console Center Installation User Manual
Page 43

Chapter 5 Connectivity Interfaces
Installation Preparation Guide
V xxx,OFFLINE,FORCE (use this format for I/O consoles that refuse
to come offline with a V xxx,OFFLINE command)
Note: MVS will produce a WTOR to check if you intend to FORCE
this device offline. Respond “YES”.
Once the console is offline due to one of the prior commands, a standard
“V xxx,ONLINE” will not suffice. It is necessary to issue:
V xxx,ONLINE,UNCOND (use this format for I/O consoles that have
previously been taken offline with a V xxx,OFFLINE,FORCE command)
In certain cases (I/O errors due to cabling problems, etc.), a console (I/O or
OUTPUT ONLY) may “back up”. MVS makes the console operator aware
of this situation by one or more messages, for example, IEA404A,
IEA405E. These messages state that a particular console is reaching or
has reached its buffer limit. As a result of this, a number of messages are
“queued” to be delivered, but are being “held” by MVS pending resolution
of the problem. In a MCC environment, it is likely that the CONSOLE in
question is nowhere near the console operators. In this case, as with
standard MVS, it is necessary to “relieve” the backup before the system
begins to deteriorate, causing undesirable results due to waits, timeouts,
and abends. This action must be taken immediately, so that potential
problems that could result from this backup are averted.
The simplest action to take is to issue a VARY online (see previous
examples) to get the console out of console status. This command returns
the device to MVS device online status, and MVS no longer recognizes the
device as an MVS console. However, it still recognizes the device as being
capable of becoming a console through a VARY console command. The
“backup” condition is alleviated immediately, through re-routing or
simple elimination of the messages. If the messages destined for the
“backed up” console must be “redirected” to a “live console” (one that is
currently functioning properly), issue the console redirection command;
for example,
K Q,R=nn|name|HC{,L=cc|name)
Where nn is the “id” of the console device to which the “backed up”
messages are being routed. In the unlikely event this command is being
issued from the “backed up” console itself, the L= keyword and its
operand are not required. MVS consoles have ids; they may or may not
have names.