Visara Master Console Center Installation User Manual
Page 35

Chapter 5 Connectivity Interfaces
Installation Preparation Guide
Most installations require adding additional consoles during the test
phase, so as not to disrupt current operations. This requires updates to
SYS1.PARMLIB’s CONSOLxx member(s) and system’s related NIPCON
information. NIPCON is the console that processes the NIP (nucleus
initialization program) CONsole messages, such as SET SYSTEM
Each MVS LPAR needs at least one MVS console for full bi-directional
functionality. Remember that creating or modifying consoles requires
system oriented definition updates in the appropriate dataset(s), and an
IPL for them to take effect. For example, on MVS update MVS/CP and/or
HCD for 327x I/O definitions and/or NIPCON, and the CONSOLxx
member of SYS1.PARMLIB. Alternatively, remove existing cables for
existing consoles - HARDWARE (for IPL), place them in the MCC ports
instead of in the existing equipment.
When defining consoles, be sure to set the appropriate values, using the
examples below
IEF403I and IEF404I may be used by the MCC to monitor MVS
production task status. Scripts frequently use these messages (among
others) to determine when a “state change” has occurred in a task that is
being monitored. If the messages did not appear because of an incorrect
CONSOLxx definition, MPF suppression, automation product suppression
(OPS/MVS, AUTOMATE, etc.), or user exit (for example, IEAVMXIT)
suppression, the “state change” would go undetected.