Mvs mainframe console operation – Visara Master Console Center Installation User Manual

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Visara Master Console Center

© Visara International 2007


MVS Mainframe Console Operation

Operating MVS system consoles in a MCC environment is no different to
operating MVS system consoles in a non-MCC environment. However, a
review of common commands used to control consoles may be helpful,
since MCC consoles frequently include “extra” consoles not necessarily
seen in MVS console setup. The MCC also includes new equipment that
can cause operational confusion, simply because operators are unfamiliar
with it.
As with any MVS console, customer personnel assign addresses, update
MVSCP/HCD, and update the CONSOLxx member of PARMLIB for MCC
consoles, just as for standard 327x consoles. It is imperative that
operations personnel are informed by the customer of the assigned
addresses and operational procedures, if they vary from standard console
operational procedures. This ensures that the consoles can be properly
managed by operations personnel or automation. This activity should be
completed by customer personnel prior to devices being plugged into the
MCC unit, since the devices will become active shortly afterwards.
Most MVS systems utilizing the MCC will have “printer” consoles
assigned. A printer console does not have a keyboard, and therefore may
be designated as an OUTPUT ONLY device. OUTPUT ONLY console
device commands are preceded by “O-” (that is, the letter O followed by a
dash). For example, to vary a standard (keyboard attached console)
online, enter:
V xxx,ONLINE (use this format for I/O consoles)
If problems occur, try entering the first format of the command. If it
doesn’t work, try the second format.
The same syntax applies to OFFLINE commands:
V xxx,OFFLINE (use this format for devices to be used as I/O consoles)
MVS defined consoles (see SYS1.PARMLIB member CONSOLxx) are not
active as consoles until they are “varied” into console status. Varying a
console ONLINE does not make a SYS1.PARMLIB defined (see member
CONSOLxx) console recognizable to MVS as a console. To do this use
another form of vary command, as follows (this should only be issued after
the device is ONLINE to MVS):
V xxx,CONSOLE (use this format for I/O consoles)
The commands above should be issued once the device is in the ONLINE
status. MVS takes care of this during IPL, but console manipulation after
IPL requires manual or automated commands (as previously shown).
In addition, certain error situations require additional MVS console
commands. The following are a limited set of commands, but are those
likely to be most useful in a MCC based environment: