Visara Master Console Center Installation User Manual
Page 13

Chapter 1 Introduction and Checklist
Installation Preparation Guide
10. Supply a printout of the addresses to Visara in input format (e.g.,
for each MVS LPAR, give the MVSCP entry, HCD NIPCON entry,
11. Supply Visara with a copy of the “IPL and SHUTDOWN
PROCEDURES” for each LPAR the MCC will IPL. This is
typically a manual for operators, and/or a listing of the steps
necessary to perform some or all of these startup/shutdown
12. Supply Visara with a copy of the “SOFTWARE OPERATIONS
PROCEDURES” for each LPAR the MCC will monitor. This is
typically a manual for operators, and/or a listing of the steps that
current automation takes in performing some or all of these daily
operation actions).
13. Identify and supply a list of all software to be monitored for each
LPAR (e.g., for an MVS LPAR, use a “D A,ALL”, and check off
those address spaces that are to be active at all times (typically all
your started tasks, and potentially some batch jobs, especially if
you run CICS, etc.))
14. Identify the commands required to “start”, “stop normal ”, and
“stop abnormal” each task in question (e.g., “S IMSPROD”, “F
multiple commands are required (even if they must be issued on
multiple LPARS), be sure to supply ALL THE COMMANDS. For
example, it might be necessary to check that IMSPROD is down
on LPAR X prior to starting IMSPROD on LPAR Y - this takes
multiple commands).
15. Identify current “operational automation” to be replaced (e.g.,
supply Visara with your “AUTOMATE” listings) and any special
requirements you may have (e.g., “need to gather information
from multiple hosts in order to make an automation decision”,
etc.). Please supply the list in IEBCOPY format if feasible, rather
than on printed hardcopy.
16. If you want VTAM terminal emulation on the MCC server, please
indicate the number of terminals required.