Visara Master Console Center Installation User Manual
Page 39

Chapter 5 Connectivity Interfaces
Installation Preparation Guide
In SYS1.PARMLIB(CONSOLxx), add the definitions for the I/O console(s)
and the Printer console(s). In the examples above, the I/O console is
device address 19E and the Printer console is device address 19F. The
NIP console address is the same as the I/O console address (19E), so it
only needs to be defined once. Assume, for this example, that I/O console
address 700 is the MASTER CONSOLE, and is also the first in the
NIPCON list. Also note that address 700 was not shown in the preceding
examples. Here is the I/O console entry for the MCC, which also happens
to be the NIP console:
1 Note that consoles can be “named” as of MVS 4.2. Naming the consoles saves time when coding scripts,
as described in the Scripting Guide). Where possible, the name chosen should be the same on EVERY
LPAR with which the MCC will communicate. For example, if you have 10 LPARS and have chosen the
name “MCCPRN”, use this name in the SYS1.PARMLIB(CONSOLxx) member on EVERY LPAR. Some
restrictions apply in a SYSPLEX environment – see MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference
2 Note that the console operator will not be able to issue FORCE, VARY MSTCONS, and similar
commands. with any less authority on SP4 (or greater) systems. This does not make the console the
MASTER, it only grants MASTER authority. Since there is only ONE master authority terminal in
systems prior to SP4 (specifically SP2 (MVS X/A)), the MCC console should be the MASTER
CONSOLE. Coding AUTH(MASTER) on any other console is invalid - you must code AUTH(ALL) or
AUTH(INFO) on those consoles). In any case, when the MCC console is not the MASTER, important
messages may not appear when MVS disabled message services and/or automation products (e.g.,
OPS/MVS) direct important highlighted messages at the MASTER CONSOLE only (or any other
console for which the MCC does not qualify for receipt of specifically directed messages).
3 Scripts distributed by Visara as well as most scripts shared by users depend on the first three words of
a message being TIME, SYSTEMID, and JOBID (where the fields are available (e.g., no JOBID is
available for an IEF403I on a job started with “SUB=MSTR”). Only required on printer ports.
4 Task monitoring script(s) distributed by Visara depend on receiving IEF403I and IEF404I messages
via the “printer console port” (when the connection is via COAX). MONITOR(JOBNAMES) causes
MVS to send these messages to “printer consoles”, assuming they are not otherwise suppressed. Task
monitoring scripts may not operate successfully without this specification.
5 Although any console mode is acceptable, it is “best” to start in “ROLL MODE” so the console does not
back up with “Non-Deletable messages” especially during initial product testing. If you choose to use
“RD”, the console(s) should (normally) be attended. However, MCC scripts can prevent console backup
by setting the appropriate consoles to ROLL MODE if the consoles begin to back up (IEA404A,
6 It is “best” to send all non-suppressed messages to the MCC, so that scripts will not miss any
messages. Alter route codes (if desired) after initial product testing.
7 Query support allows this specification. The EBUS settings in SYSTEM.CFG (see the Administration
Guide) allows specification of the desired model (model 2 or 4 are supported on a CBUS on a MCC;
models 2, 3, 4, or 5 are supported on an EBUS on a MCC). See Color Support on page 40.
Code BOLD information as
shown (check footnotes) – very
important for footnote7.
Non-Bold information is here
for reference purposes only.
Code as appropriate for your
Refer to footnote 7 if
you want 4-color
support for consoles.