Defining the nip console(s) and system console(s), Examples of i/o definition entry – Visara Master Console Center Installation User Manual
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Chapter 5 Connectivity Interfaces
Installation Preparation Guide
Defining the NIP Console(s) and System Console(s)
Be sure the NIP console(s) and/or system console(s) are defined to
MVS/CP and/or HCD, depending on the release of MVS. Because of the
MVS console requirement, the console used by the MCC must be defined
in the MVS/CP and/or HCD, as follows:
1. Define the 327x console device(s) in the I/O section as a 3270-x,
where, or “X”, “2”, “3”, “4”, or “5” if using an SCON; for example, 3270-
2. Define the console device again if you intend to IPL from it from the
MCC workstation (that is, to answer “SET SYSTEM PARAMETERS
WTOR, etc.), but this time, in the NIPCON section. This step applies
only to consoles, not to “printer consoles”). For testing, place the MCC
327x NIPCON second in the list, so that you can check functionality
by powering off the first device in the NIPCON list. Once working
properly, switch the order of the first two entries.
3. Define the console in SYS1.PARMLIB member CONSOLxx as MVS
System Consoles.
Examples of I/O Definition Entry
An I/O definition entry for an “I/O console” (a 327x type of SYSTEM
/Number Type + OS 1--- 2--- 3--- 4--- 5--- 6--- 7---
_019E 3270-X Y 0180
A NIPCON definition entry for an “NIP console” (a 327x type of SYSTEM
/ Order Device Device Type
Number Number
2 019E 3270-X
where nnn represents the first entry in the NIPCON list. For testing, an
existing device that was used for NIP prior to the installation of the MCC.