From the select setup option screen select v-tab – Rena T-650 User Manual
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5. Select the job number you wish to use
for the job. In this example, we are
selecting Job Number 2.
6. From the Select Setup Option screen
select V-Tab.
7. The next screen allows you to set the
V-Tab values for the head or heads
you will be using.
In this case we will be using Head 1,
so select V Tab 1.
8. Lift the Pressure Roller Release Latch
so that the stamp web can slide easily through the Sensor.
9. Begin by finding the Gap V or
voltage reading from the space
between the stamps/tabs. Move the
stamp web through the sensor until
you obtain the lowest voltage
reading, then press the Gap V key
Note: Manually remove any stamps
that peel off during this process.
Tip: To avoid wasting stamps, it is strongly suggested to manually program the V Tab
voltages, instead of using the Automatic feature.
10. Continue moving the stamp web through the sensor until you obtain the highest reading,
then press the Tab V key (2).
Note: Manually remove any stamps that peel off during this process.
Tip: In order for the tabber to distinguish between the Stamp/Tab and Backing, the
voltage difference between the Gap V and Tab V must be 0.80 volts or greater. If the
difference is lower, check/clean the sensor and then repeat the V-Tab adjustment. If the
value is still less than 0.80 volts difference then you may need to use another tab stock
that has a larger density difference.
To check the function of the tab sensor, see “
T-650 Operations REV. 8/25/2010