Serial port connection, Serial port connection -4 – Quintum Technologies Tenor DX User Manual
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P/N 480-0049-00-10
Chapter 5: Getting Started: Command Line Interface (CLI)
Serial Port Connection
When the Tenor DX is first shipped to you, you must connect to the unit using this method to assign an IP
address. Once this is assigned, you can use the CLI to reach the serial port of the Tenor. A null-modem cable
must be used to connect to the CLI using this port, if you are directly connected to the unit. To connect to the
Tenor DX serial port, locate a workstation (PC) close to the Tenor DX unit. Connect as follows:
1. Insert one end of the DB-9 serial null modem cable into the Tenor DX’s serial port.
2. Insert the other end of the DB-9 serial cable into your workstation’s Com/serial port.
Once the cable is connected and the Tenor DX is powered on, open a HyperTerminal session (or other termi-
nal emulation program) as follows:
3. Click Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal. The HyperTerminal window
will be displayed.
4. Click on Hypertrm.
5. Enter a connection description (i.e., name for each unit such as Tenor DX 1).
6. Click Ok.
7. Choose a connection port (on your PC) from the Connect Using drop down list box (i.e., Direct to Com 1).
Click Ok. The Com 1 properties window will be displayed.
8. From the Bit Per Second drop down list box, choose 38400.
9. From the Data Bits drop down list box, choose 8.
10. From the Parity drop down list box, choose None.
11. From the Stop bits drop down list box, choose 1.
12. From the Flow Control drop down list box, choose None.
13. Click on Call>Call. A connection to the Tenor DX will be established.
14. Enter a login name. The default login name is admin.
15. Enter a password. The default password is admin. (To change this password later, see Chapter 8: Diagnos-
tics/Maintenance.) Questions about the unit will scroll on the screen.
Steps 16-18 are used for first time assignment of IP address.
16. For IP address, enter the IP address for the Tenor DX unit.
17. For Subnet Mask for LAN prompt, enter the subnet mask. This address is used to differentiate the network
portion of the IP address from the host portion of the IP address.
18. For Default Gateway prompt, enter the IP address for the default gateway (router) which routes a packet
data outside of your LAN.
The Tenor DX will reboot automatically.