Assign ip address, Assign ip address -12 – Quintum Technologies Tenor DX User Manual

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P/N 480-0049-00-10

Chapter 3: Installation

Assign IP Address

Before you can configure a Tenor DX, you need to assign a valid IP address. When a Tenor DX is shipped to a
customer, you need to assign a valid IP address for each unit. An IP address is a 32 bit (up to 12 numeric char-
acters) address used to identify each network device in the TCP/IP network. If the unit does not have an IP
address, data will not be able to be sent to or from the unit.

Communication between the Tenor and the PC is enabled via RS-232 connection and terminal emulation soft-
ware. The instructions below assume you are running HyperTerminal (running Windows 95 or later) on your
PC. For all other terminal emulation packages, the specific Tenor commands used to assign the IP address will
be the same, but the software specific instructions will be different. Consult the applicable documentation for
more information.

You can re-configure the IP address using the procedure which follows.

1. Press the Tenor DX’s power switch to On.

2. Click on Start> Programs> Accessories> Communications>HyperTerminal> Run. The Connection

Description window will be displayed.

3. Enter a connection name (i.e., name for each unit such as Tenor DX New Jersey).

4. Click Ok.

5. Choose the serial port on your PC from the Connect Using drop down list box (i.e., Direct to Com 1). Click

Ok. The Com1 Properties window will be displayed. See Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9

Port Settings


6. From the Bits Per Second drop down list box, choose 38400.

7. From the Data Bits drop down list box, choose 8.

8. From the Parity drop down list box, choose None.

9. From the Stop bits drop down list box, choose 1.

10. From the Flow control drop down list box, choose None.