Guralp Systems ART User Manual
Page 56

Campbell, K. W., & Bozorgnia, Y. (2003c),
Erratum: Updated
near-source ground-motion (attenuation) relations for the
horizontal and vertical components of peak ground
acceleration and acceleration response spectra. Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, 93(4), 1872.
Chapman, M. C. (1999),
On the use of elastic input energy for
seismic hazard analysis, Earthquake Spectra, 15(4), 607-635.
Consortium of Organizations for Strong-Motion Observation
Systems (2001),
COSMOS Strong Motion Data Format, Version
1.20, August 15.
Converse, A. M. & Brady, A.G. (1992),
BAP: Basic Strong-Motion
Accelerogram Processing Software Version 1.0, Open-File
Report 92-296A, U.S. Geological Survey.
Crouse, C. B. (1991),
Ground-motion attenuation equations for
earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zones. Earthquake
Spectra, 7(2), 201–236.
Douglas, J. (2003),
Earthquake ground motion estimation using
strong-motion records: A review of equations for the estimation
of peak ground acceleration and response spectral ordinates.
Earth-Science Reviews, 61(1-2), 43–104.
Douglas, J. (2004a),
Ground motion estimation equations 1964–
2003: Reissue of ESEE Report No. 01-1: ‘A comprehensive
worldwide summary of strong-motion attenuation relationships
for peak ground acceleration and spectral ordinates (1969 to
2000)’ with corrections and additions. Technical Report 04-001-
SM, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; London;
Douglas, J. (2006),
Errata of and additions to ‘Ground motion
estimation equations 1964–2003’. Intermediary report RP-
54603-FR, BRGM, Orléans, France.
Douglas, J. (2008),
Further errata of and additions to ‘Ground
motion estimation equations 1964-2003’. Final report RP-
56187-FR, BRGM, Orléans, France.
Electric Power Research Institute (2006),
Program on
Technology Innovation: Use of Cumulative Absolute Velocity
(CAV) in Determining Effects of Small Magnitude Earthquakes
Issue C