Guralp Systems ART User Manual
Page 33

User guide
32. average spectral period (or frequency) defined by
Rathje et al. (2004): .
33. PGV/PGA in seconds (or Hz) (the ratio is computed
using ms
for PGV and ms
for PGA), which gives an
indication of the period (or frequency) content of the
At the top of this window there is a menu entitled ‘File’ with
three options: ‘Save figure’, which saves a copy of the window
as a graphics file (in .bmp, .eps, .jpg, .png or .tif format);
‘Print figure’, which prints a copy of the window; and ‘Export
values’, which exports the strong-motion parameters to a text
file in a space-delimited format.
Also given as a header to the strong-motion parameter table (if
the ‘Display metadata’ option is selected in the ‘Options’
window) are the basic earthquake, station and waveform
metadata corresponding to the selected time-history (if
A typical strong motion analysis screen is shown overleaf.
May 2009