Guralp Systems ART User Manual
Page 18
23. acceleration threshold to use within the computation of
cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) (this must be positive). A
commonly-used threshold is 0.025g [0.245m/s2];
24. the number of the peak to select for computation of the
sustained maximum acceleration and velocity (this must be
a positive integer). A commonly-used value is 3, denoting
the third peak;
25. acceleration used as the limit acceleration in the calculation
of bracketed absolute duration (‘Bracketed Absolute’) in the
selected units of acceleration. A commonly used limit
acceleration is 0.05g [0.49m/s2];
26. proportion of peak ground acceleration used as the limit
acceleration in the calculation of bracketed relative duration
(‘Bracketed Relative’). This must be between 0 and 1;
27. value of Arias intensity used as the lower threshold in the
calculation of significant absolute (effective) duration in the
selected units of velocity (see Bommer & Martinez-Pereira,
1999) (‘Significant Absolute (Start)’). A commonly used
lower limit is 0.01m/s;
28. value of Arias intensity used as the upper threshold in the
calculation of significant absolute (effective) duration in the
selected units of velocity (see Bommer & Martinez-Pereira,
1999) (‘Significant Absolute (End)’). A commonly used lower
limit is 0.125m/s;
29. proportion of Arias intensity used as the lower limit in the
calculation of significant relative duration (‘Significant
Relative (Start)’). This value must be between 0 and 1 - a
commonly used lower limit is 0.05;
30. proportion of Arias intensity used as the upper limit in the
calculation of significant relative duration (‘Significant
Relative (End)’). This value must be between 0 and 1 - a
commonly used upper limit is 0.95;
31. acceleration used as the limit acceleration in the calculation
of uniform absolute duration (‘Uniform Absolute’) in the
selected units of acceleration. A commonly used limit
acceleration is 0.05g [0.49m/s2];
32. proportion of peak ground acceleration used as the limit
acceleration in the calculation of uniform relative duration
(‘Uniform Relative’). This value must be between 0 and 1;
33. cyclic damage exponent to use for the computation of the
effective number of cycles. A commonly used value is 2;
34. period used as lower limit in calculation of spectral intensity
(‘SI limits Lower’). A commonly used lower limit is 0.1s;
35. period used as upper limit in calculation of spectral intensity
(‘SI limits Upper’). A commonly used upper limit is 2.5s;
36. period used as lower limit in calculation of acceleration
spectral intensity (‘ASI limits Lower’). A commonly used
Issue C