Guralp Systems ART User Manual

Page 17

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User guide

spectra of two or more records (0, 2, 5, 10 or 20%);


line styles used for figures comparing the derived strong-
motion parameters of two or more records (monochrome or


whether absolute time is reported on the graphs showing
acceleration, velocity and displacement time-histories (yes
or no);


whether to use logarithmic or linear x-axes for graphs
(logarithmic or linear);


whether to use logarithmic or linear y-axes for graphs
(logarithmic or linear);

10. whether to use period or frequency for graphs and

parameter display (period or frequency);

11. which variable to plot on maps displaying time-histories

(acceleration, velocity or displacement);

12. which component to plot on maps displaying time-histories

(Z, N or E);

13. whether to display range rings on maps displaying time-

histories (yes or no);

14. whether to display metadata in title of figures (yes or no);
15. whether to display grid lines on figures (yes or no):
16. what COM port to use for dialling stations (COM1 is the only

option currently supported);

17. what baud rate to use for dialling stations (2400, 4800,

9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200);

18. length of pre-event time to use for calculating noise

estimate (‘Length of pre-event time’) in seconds (if this is
set to zero then a noise spectrum is not calculated). This can
be selected interactively by clicking on the ‘Select’ button,
see below;

19. corner frequency (‘fl’) in Hz of the bi-directional filter used

for high pass filtering time-histories (usually this is about
0.05Hz for records from CMG-5Ts and it cannot be less than
0Hz). This can be selected interactively by clicking on the
‘Select’ button, see below;

20. order (‘Order’) of the Butterworth filter used for high pass

filtering time-histories (the default value for the order is 2, a
higher order filter has a steeper transition band but requires
more zero padding and the filtering takes a longer time).
This can be selected interactively by clicking on the ‘Select’
button, see below;

21. frequency where cosine taper of low pass filter starts (‘fh1’)

in Hz (usually this should be about 50Hz for records from

22. frequency where cosine taper of low pass filter ends (‘fh2’)

in Hz (usually this should be about 100Hz for records from

May 2009