Guralp Systems ART User Manual
Page 20

The vertical red line in each graph shows the corner
frequency currently being used for the low-pass filter.
Click in the graph to move it. The time histories above
are updated automatically.
6. To change the order of the applied filter, choose an
option from the
Order drop-down menu. Filters of first to
sixth order can be applied.
3.2.4 Add/edit metadata
Clicking on this button (this button is only enabled when a
single time-history is selected in the central list box) will open a
window that enables the user to enter, edit and delete basic
metadata on the earthquake and station concerning the record
selected. Metadata that has already been entered in a previous
use of ART is loaded into memory when ART is launched. In
addition, the meta-data is automatically saved to a file when
this metadata window is closed.
Clicking on the ‘New earthquake’ button (or the ‘Edit
earthquake’ button once a record is assigned to an earthquake)
will open up a window where basic meta-data on the
earthquake can be added (or edited).
Clicking on the ‘New station’ button (or the ‘Edit station’ button
once a record is assigned to a station) will open up a window
where basic metadata on the station can be added (or edited).
Clicking on the ‘Save and Close’ button saves the metadata
and closes the window.
When metadata on earthquakes is in memory the selected
time-history can be associated (or re-associated) to an event
by using the Earthquake combo box. Similarly, when metadata
on stations is in memory the selected time-history can be
associated (or re-associated) to a station by using the Station
combo box.
Issue C