Guralp Systems CMG-6TD User Manual
Page 97

Command-line interface
Instructs the 6TD to transmit only status streams (text streams, normally with
stream IDs ending in 00).
The read pointer will be moved to the end time of the download, so a
subsequent ALLTIMES DOWNLOAD will not transfer any data streams that
were recorded during this period. To retrieve these streams, you will have to
specify the time period explicitly with FROMTIME (and TOTIME if
necessary), or download all stored data with ALLFLASH.
7.8.10 S/S
Syntax: rate S/S
Instructs the 6TD to transmit only streams with sample rates equal to rate. If
rate is zero, only status streams are transmitted.
The read pointer will be moved to the end time of the download, so a
subsequent ALLTIMES DOWNLOAD will not transfer any other streams that
were recorded during this period. To retrieve these streams, you will have to
specify the time period explicitly with FROMTIME (and TOTIME if
necessary), or download all stored data with ALLFLASH.
This command should not be confused with the SAMPLES/SEC command.
7.8.11 FLUSH
Syntax: FLUSH
Instructs the 6TD to copy all new data from Flash memory to an attached
FireWire disk. The read pointer is moved to the end of the last data
transferred, so a subsequent FLUSH will not transfer the same data.
Instructs the 6TD to copy all data from Flash memory to an attached FireWire
disk. This command ignores the read pointer, so a subsequent FLUSHALL will
transfer the same data again.
Resets the Flash memory pointers. The 6TD will start overwriting old data
from the beginning of memory. You can still access these data, if they have
not been overwritten.
Issue F - February 2014