3 digitiser status streams – Guralp Systems CMG-6TD User Manual
Page 69

Configuration with Scream!
5.2.6 Buffering mode commands RE-USE / RECYCLE
Syntax: REUSE or
Instructs the 6TD to carry on using the current transmission mode when the
Flash memory becomes full, overwriting the oldest data held. This buffering
mode is called RECYCLE in Scream! and on the EAM.
For example, in DUAL mode with RECYCLE buffering, the latest continuous
data will be transmitted to you as normal, and the latest triggered data may be
retrieved from the Flash memory using Scream! or the command line.
However, if you do not download data regularly from the Flash memory, you
may lose older blocks. This mode prioritises the most recent data recorded by
the instrument. WRITE-ONCE
Instructs the 6TD to stop writing data to the Flash memory when it is full, and
to switch to DIRECT transmission mode automatically.
For example, in FIFO mode with WRITE-ONCE buffering, the station will
transmit data to you continuously, but also save it in the Flash memory until
it is full. Once full, the instrument will switch to DIRECT mode and continue
transmitting, though no further data will be saved. This mode prioritises the
oldest data recorded by the instrument.
digitiser status streams
All Güralp digitisers have a separate stream for reporting information about
the system, such as their GPS and time synchronization status. This status
information is in plain ASCII text format.
To see a Status window for any digitiser, double-click on the Stream ID
xxxx00. This stream always has a reported sample rate of zero.
Issue F - February 2014