Guralp Systems CMG-6TD User Manual

Page 65

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Configuration with Scream!

You can tell Scream! to download new data automatically whenever it
receives a heartbeat message from an instrument in FILING mode. This is

useful, for example, in autonomous installations connected by intermittent
modem links. To enable this feature:

1. Choose File

Setup… from Scream!'s main menu, and navigate to the

Recording pane.

2. Tick the Auto-upload on heartbeat check-box.

3. Click


Using FILING mode with Auto-upload on heartbeat ensures that Scream!

receives all new data whenever it can, regardless of the configuration of any
devices between you and the instrument.

5.2.5 Transmission mode commands

If you prefer, you can use the 6TD terminal to switch between transmission

modes. The commands to use, which take effect immediately, are given
below. DIRECT

Syntax: DIRECT

Instructs the 6TD not to use Flash memory for storage. Instead, all data are

transmitted directly to clients. An instrument in DIRECT mode still honours
the GCF Block Recovery Protocol: a temporary RAM buffer always holds the

last 256 blocks generated and, if a client fails to receive a block, it can request
its retransmission.



Issue F - February 2014