Guralp Systems CMG-6TD User Manual
Page 13

First encounters
If this does not happen, check all connections, and ensure the power
supply is providing the correct voltage and current.
7. Each data stream has a Stream ID, a six-character string unique to it.
Stream IDs normally identify the instrument, component and sample
rate of each stream. Thus the stream 1026Z2 refers to a Z-component
stream from instrument 1026, at tap 2. For more details on taps and
sample rates, see section 4.1 on page 18.
Data streams ending in 00 are status streams containing state-of-health
information sent from the digitiser.
8. To view data, select a stream and then double-click to open a
Waveview window.
You can view several streams at once by holding down
as you
select, and then double-clicking the selection.
9. To start recording new data to a file, right-click on a stream or a
selection of streams and choose Start recording from the pop-up menu.
Issue F - February 2014