Guralp Systems CMG-6TD User Manual

Page 96

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Command-line interface

When a TO­TIME download completes, the read pointer will be moved to the
end of the downloaded data. The old position of the read pointer is forgotten,

so issuing ALL­TIMES may transmit data you have previously downloaded.



Clears any time selection in force. The next DOWNLOAD will begin at the read
pointer, and end with the newest data. When it has finished, the read pointer

will be moved to the end of the downloaded data.



Moves the read pointer to the oldest data held by the 6TD, and sets up the
DOWNLOAD to transfer all data since that time.

This command does not alter which streams are to be transmitted; you should
specify streams or use the ALL­DATA command in addition to this one.

When you issue ALL­FLASH, the old position of the read pointer is forgotten.
Issuing ALL­TIMES will not restore it.

7.8.7 ALL­DATA

Syntax: ALL­DATA

Instructs the 6TD to transmit all the data streams it holds next time a
DOWNLOAD is issued. This command does not alter the read pointer or specify

a time period.

7.8.8 STREAM

Syntax: STREAM stream­id (n.b.)

Instructs the 6TD to transmit only the stream with ID stream­id. Stream

IDs are normally a 4-character device code (e.g. HPA0) followed by a
component letter (N) and a tap number (1).

Note: Unlike most FORTH commands, the stream­id parameter

goes after the command.

The read pointer will be moved to the end time of the download, so a
subsequent ALL­TIMES DOWNLOAD will not transfer any other streams that

were recorded during this period. To retrieve these streams, you will have to
specify the time period explicitly with FROM­TIME (and TO­TIME if

necessary), or download all stored data with ALL­FLASH.



Issue F - February 2014