Unit start-up – Greenheck ERCH - Energy Recovery Unit with Packaged DX (468151) User Manual

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Energy Recovery Unit with Packaged DX


Inside layout of ERCH

Energy Recovery Wheel

The ERCH models contain a total energy recovery wheel . The wheels are inspected for proper mechanical
operation at the factory . However, during shipping and handling, shifting can occur that may affect wheel
operation . The wheel is accessible through the access door marked “Energy Wheel Cassette Access” . For the
ERCH-20 and ERCH-45 models, the wheel cassette slides out . Due to the size and weight of the ERCH-55 and
ERCH-90 wheels, they remain stationary and all maintenance is performed in place . There is room inside the
unit to perform energy recovery wheel servicing .

Turn the energy recovery wheels by hand to verify free operation . The wheel should rotate smoothly and should
not wobble .

Drive Belt

Inspect the drive belt . Make sure the belt rides smoothly through the pulley and over the wheel rim .

Air Seals

Check that the air seals located around the outside
of the wheel and across the center (both sides of
wheel) are secure and in good condition . Air seal
clearance is determined by placing a sheet of
paper, to act as a feeler gauge, against the wheel
face . To access seals, enter unit for ERCH-55 and
ERCH-90 or pull out the cassette for ERCH-20
and ERCH-45 following the instructions in Energy
Recovery Wheel Maintenance section .

To adjust

the air seals, loosen all eight seal retaining screws .
These screws are located on the bearing support
that spans the length of the cassette through the
wheel center . Tighten the screws so the air seals
tug slightly on the sheet of paper .

Replace cassette into unit, plug in wheel drive,
replace access door and apply power . Observe by
opening door slightly (remove filters if necessary to
view wheel) that the wheel rotates freely at about
50-60 rpm .

Drive Belt


Air Seals

Label showing

cassette serial #

and date code

Bearing Support

Drive Pulley