Greenheck Digital Temperature Interlock (474750 IOM) (Pre November 2012) User Manual
Installation, operation and maintenance manual, General description, Product specification

Digital Temperature Interlock
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Please read and save these instructions for future reference. Read carefully before attempting to assemble,
install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information.
Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage!
Part #474750
Digital Temperature Interlock
General Description
The temperature interlock is designed to automatically
start kitchen hood exhaust fans and keep them
running while heat is being generated from the
cooking appliances. Hood systems should always be
manually started before equipment is turned on. If
the fans are forgotten to be turned on, the interlock
will turn the fans on once heat is detected. The
interlock consists of a temperature controller, resistive
temperature detector (RTD), junction box, Evergreen
Compression Seal threaded fitting, and is contained
in a stand alone box or can be added to a pre-
engineered fan control center.
To meet IMC 2006 section 507.2.1.1, interlock
between exhaust fans and cooking equipment. This
system will utilize a temperature sensor in the exhaust
duct collar or in capture area of hood to detect heat
generated from cooking operations and automatically
activate the exhaust fans if not already turned on.
Field wiring may be required depending on location of
Product Application
The temperature interlock is designed to be used
with Type I and Type II hoods. It is not to be used in
conjunction with exhaust fire dampers. Greenheck
recommends using one interlock per hood system
(activates all fans linked to system simultaneously).
Performance Goals
Automatically energize the exhaust fans when cooking
equipment generates heat. Basic controls will be
provided with a temperature sensor and will consist
of an 8 x 8 electrical box with controls and a labeled
terminal strip to hook-up incoming power and fan
starters. A temperature controller is used to keep the
exhaust fans running when the temperature controller
initially closes to prevent the fan from cycling on and
off at startup and shut down. Fans will shut down
automatically once the temperature has gone below
the set point plus hysteresis. The hysteresis can be
adjusted based on jobsite requirements.
Product Specification
Digital Temperature Interlock
International Mechanical Code (IMC) 2006 section
507.2.1.1 Compliant Electrical Package
Provide Greenheck temperature interlock electrical
package as shown on plans and in accordance with
the following specification:
The temperature interlock(s) consists of a temperature
controller, resistive temperature detector (RTD),
junction box, fire proof/leak proof threaded fitting
(Evergreen Quik-Seal® and/or Evergreen Compression
Seal), and shall be a self-contained unit or as part of
another pre-engineered electrical control package.
The temperature interlock package shall close a
relay powering the fans when the sensor detects the
temperature set point. The interlock shall hold the
circuit closed upon fan switch being turned off until
the temperature sensor detects a temperature below
the set point plus hysteresis. Once the temperature is
below the set point plus hysteresis, the fans shall shut
The temperature interlock package shall be
constructed by Greenheck in accordance with
International Mechanical Code. The manufacturer
shall provide, upon request, the necessary data that
confirms compliance with the code listed above.
Due to continuous research, Greenheck reserves the
right to change specifications without notice.