Start-up checklist for unit – Greenheck ERCH - Energy Recovery Unit with Packaged DX (468151) User Manual

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Energy Recovery Unit with Packaged DX


Unit Model Number ___________________________ (e .g . ERCH-55)

Unit Serial Number ___________________________ (e .g . 04C99999 or 10111000)

Energy Wheel Date Code ___________________________ (e .g . 0450)

Compressor 1 Model Number ___________________________ (e .g . ZR36-XXXX)
Compressor 2 Model Number ___________________________ (e .g . ZR36-XXXX)

Start-Up Date ___________________________ (MM/DD/yyyy)

Start-Up Personnel Name ___________________________

Start-Up Company ___________________________

Phone Number ___________________________

Every installation requires a comprehensive start-up to ensure proper operation of the unit . As part of
that process, the following checklist must be completed and information recorded . Starting up the unit in
accordance with this checklist will not only ensure proper operation, but will also provide valuable information
to personnel performing future maintenance . Should an issue arise which requires factory assistance, this
completed document will allow unit experts to provide quicker resolve . Qualified personnel should perform
start-up to ensure safe and proper practices are followed .


Use caution when removing access panels or other unit

components, especially while standing on a ladder or

other potentially unsteady base . Access panels and unit

components can be heavy and serious injury may occur .


Do not operate energy recovery ventilator without the

filters and birdscreens installed . They prevent the entry of

foreign objects such as leaves, birds, etc .


Electric shock hazard . Can cause injury or death . Before

attempting to perform any service or maintenance,

turn the electrical power to unit to OFF at disconnect

switch(es) . Unit may have multiple power supplies .


Do not run unit during construction phase . Damage to

internal components may result and void warranty .


• Unit was factory tested. All blowers, fans, and compressors are set-up to run correct when supplied

power . If any one fan is running backwards or the compressor is making loud noises, immediately turn off
the power . Switch two leads on the incoming power to the disconnect . This will ensure proper operation of
the unit . Failure to comply may damage the compressors and void the warranty .

• Do not jumper any safety devices when operating the unit. This may damage components within or cause

serious injury or death .

• Do not operate compressor when the outdoor temperature is below 40ºF.
• Do not short-cycle the compressor. Allow 5 minutes between “on” cycles to prevent compressor damage.
• Prior to starting up the unit, power must be energized for 24 hours without a call for cool to allow the

compressor crankcase heaters time to boil off any liquid refrigerant present in the compressor .

• DX system is charged with refrigerant. Start-up must be performed by EPA Certified Technician.