Comtech EF Data CDM-840 User Manual

Page 102

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CDM-840 Remote Router

Revision 2

Ethernet-based Remote Product Management



Tx Scrambler – Use the drop-down list to select the Tx Scrambler as Off or Normal.

Roll Off – The Tx Alpha Rolloff (α) dictates how fast the spectral edges of the carrier are

attenuated beyond the 3 dB bandwidth. With 20% rolloff the edge falls off more quickly

than with 25% and 35%.

Use the drop-down list to set the expected filter Tx Alpha Rolloff (α) of the carrier as 20%,

25%, or 35%. The default selection is 20%.

Spectrum Invert – Use the drop-down list to select the Tx Spectrum Invert as Normal or Tx

Spectrum Inverted.

Power Level (-40 to 0) – Enter the Tx power level in dBm.

Carrier State – Use the drop-down list to select the Tx Carrier State as Off or On.

Select or enter the desired FEC Type, Tx Frequency, MODCOD, Tx Scrambler, Spectrum

Invert, and Carrier State settings. Click [Submit] to save.

RTI Configuration

Transmit Inhibit – Use the drop-down list to Disable or Enable RTI operation.

Wait Time – Enter a time, in seconds, to delay execution of the RTI function (when Enabled).

The range is from 1 to 5 seconds.

State (read-only) – The operational status of the RTI function is displayed here.

Click [Submit] to save.

RTI means RECEIVE/TRANSMIT INHIBIT. When selected, it will prevent the Tx carrier

from being transmitted until the demodulator is locked. To avoid the Tx Carrier

from being turned off when the demodulator loses lock for a very short period of

time, the demodulator must be unlocked continuously for the selected time period

(1 to 5 seconds) before the transmit carrier is inhibited.