Dell Emphasis Lighting Control System User Manual

Page 51

background image


Quick Start


Step 5:

Insert a Venue.

The Venue is a

representation of your

theatre space. Emphasis

provides you with three basic

venue shapes: Black Box,

Arena and Proscenium Arch.

All of these venues can be


a. In the Draw menu, click

Venue, then Black Box.

b. In the dialog that opens,

enter 50’-0” for the width
and 30’-0” for the Depth
and click OK.

Step 6:

Create Layers.

Layers are very useful in

CAD drawings. You can

think of layers as being

different sheets of acetate or

tracing paper stacked on top

of one another. As you

create your drawing, put

things like scenery on one

layer, pipes on another,

props on yet another, and so on. Then you can pick and choose which layers you

want to see, edit or print at any given time.

a. Click the Layers Database icon on the Layers toolbar.

The Layers Database will open.

b. Click New.
c. Type “Fixtures” and click OK.
d. Click Colour Select.
e. Click a colour for this layer and click


N o t e :

Layers in black will be drawn in white when

the background colour is also black. Be

careful, the cursor crosshair lines are

displayed in the layer colour. A layer in black

may cause the cursor crosshairs to

“disappear” against a black background.


Repeat steps c-e for the following
layers: Focus, Scenery, Props,
Positions, Talent.

g. Click on Scenery and click Set

Current. This sets the Scenery layer
as the current layer. All objects
drawn will be placed on the Scenery

h. Click OK.