Dell Emphasis Lighting Control System User Manual

Page 18

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Emphasis Control System Quick Guide

To register by fax:

Step 1:

Fill out the registration form included with your Emphasis Server. Fax it to the

appropriate fax number based on your location. You will be sent a Registration

Validation Code within a full business day.

Step 2:

If you cannot find the form, you can print a new copy from the Emphasis Server.

Ensure you have a printer connected to your Emphasis Server. See


a Printer, page 10

, for more information.

a: Power up the Emphasis Server. If the system is unregistered, the

Registration dialog should open. You can also open the Registration dialog

using the Help menu Registration command.

b: In the Register dialog, click the Fax button.
c: Print the form, fill in all the information and fax it to the appropriate number

indicated on the form. You will be sent a Registration Validation Code within

a full business day.

N o t e :

Alternatively, you can email your registration (all the information required on the fax form)

to [email protected].

Step 3:

When you receive your Registration Validation Code, take it to your Emphasis

Control System. Power up the Emphasis Server. If the system is unregistered,

the Registration dialog should open. You can also open the Registration dialog

using the Help menu Registration command.

Step 4:

In the Register dialog, click the “I have my validation code” button. Enter the

Registration Validation Code in the dialog. Make sure to use all uppercase letters

when you enter the code.

Step 5:

Click OK.